Chapter 2

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(👆👆Kendall's above👆👆)

I walked into class just before the bell rang.

Damn I'm good.

Mr. Howard stood next to the black board. He's so old the man looks like Mr. Feeny. "Okay class settle down..settle down." He ordered with his arms gesturing for us to take a seat. The class obeyed and took their seats quietly. I noticed that my science partner wasn't here. I raised my hand and Mr. Howard nodded is head. "Yes Ms. Evans?"

"Where's Nathan Dabney?" I asked.

"Oh right! We had to transfer classes so you'll be getting a new partner." He replied.

I was relieved that I was getting a new partner because my last one ate pencils like it was potato chips.

Then as if on cue, someone walked in.

"I'm suppose to be in this class or something." A bored voice said. My eyes darted down the desk immediately.


He can't be in this class. Any other class but this one.

"Ahh! Mr. Foster please come in." My teacher gave the boy a pointed grin.

Damn it. Most of the girls in the room squealed and started fixing their hair. Whispers mixed in with the air of the classroom. I rolled my eyes of how desperate these girls were. "Oh I would have his babies." I heard a voice murmured.

I cringed. Yeah that'll be cute. You know what else is cute? Not having an STD afterwards.

I bet on my life he's my partner.

"Mr. Foster, you'll be partners with Ms. Evans." He announced. I heard a handful of feminine sighs laced in disappointment.

I knew it!

"Ah hell!" I shouted. That made the whole class grow silent but I didn't care.

He could've picked any one else but no. He had to picked me.

"Ms. Evans are we having a problem!" He shouted back. I looked at him dead in the eye.

"Yeah, yeah we are because out of all the people in the entire student body you had to partner me up with the biggest ass in school! Mr. Howard, this has to be the best work you've done all year!" I complained. I heard a handful of chuckles from the back of the class.

"If you're going to have a problem with the way I do things around here Ms. Evans then you can go to the principle's office!"

"You know I can't do that he's sick of me. If I go there again I'll might as well make a tent and live there!" I shrugged.

"Then I guess you're just going to have to suck it up Ms. Evans!"

I glared at the old man. Anger trudging through me.

I tore my eyes from Mr Howard's and looked at my new partner.

A mess of dark brown hair that brought his sharp blue eyes come to life. His eyes were mesmerizing and they demanded attention. Slight scruff was embedded into his cheeks and defined jaw line. It was like god made every crease of his face a brilliant masterpiece. Then there's that smile that can make all the junior girls and all the way down to the freshmans make a wave of swoons.

Swoons I tell you.

He has a black lip ring that hangs on his lower lip. He was wearing a smirk on his face. It was almost irritating just looking at him.

I hate to admit it. He was gorgeous. But so are Tumblr boys. I threw head back and groaned. I didn't want to deal with Adam Foster.

"Um..Mr. Howard if Kendall doesn't want him I'll take him." She giggled. Carly Summuners twirled her fake ass platinum blonde hair around her finger and batting her eyelashes. She's just a thot Jr. And they're beginning to multiply by each growing second.

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