Chapter 7

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"Liam!" I screeched. I sprinted up to him. I felt his arms wrap around me and engulf me into his familiar embrace. A smile was ripped open in my face

"Hey Kenny!" He laughed warmly. I buried my face in his chest. I loved the smell of his cologne. "Did you miss me?"

"You have no clue." I sighed as I clinged onto him for dear life.

"So how was your spring break? Since you left me here and all." I mentioned with a slight frown.

"Well Florida was great I went to swim with the dolphins and I partied...a lot." He bit down on his lip gently. I plopped on the couch sloppily.

"Hm. Must've been fun." I mumbled.

"It was a blast without you." He said bluntly with a mischievous grin.

I rolled my eyes and shoved him harshly. "Fuck you." I grumbled.

"So have any guys come your way? While I was gone? You haven't lost your virginity right?" He wiggled his eyebrows. I struck him on the arm. "Owwww.." He whined.

"No." I said in a calm tone.

He was still rubbing his arm like a little kid.

"You're violent. How are we twins?" He whined. I stick my tongue out in a childish manner and he returned the gesture. "Just because we shared a womb doesn't mean shit about our personalities."

"We need to find you a guy. You know so we can fix your evil disposition." He told me. I snapped my head towards him.

"I don't need a guy. I have you don't I?" I laughed joking.

"True. But you can't date me." He pointed out. "Even if I am perfect. It's incest." He flips his imaginary long hair.

He's so stupid.

"You need help." I told him.

"Probably right." He shrugged lightly.

"But I'm serious Kenny you need somebody. I'm not going to always be here to entertain you." He said seriously. "Even thought it's so easy since I'm loveable." He sighed. "A gift and a curse."

I looked into his light brown eyes. He had light brown hair like mine. I feel like I'm looking in a mirror when I look at him. I know he's right. He's always right. Which irritates me more than anything.

"I'll try." Was all I said. I'm in no rush at this point.

"Great. Because you know I'm always right." He said smugly.

"Must you be cocky?" I asked.

"Kendall we already know the answer to that question." He smiled. "Come on let's go get some food."

We walked out of our house hand in hand.

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