Chapter 24

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(👆👆Andrew is above👆👆)

Adam and Jess walked out all eyes were on them. They sat back down in their spots. I immediately tense when Adam sat down next to me. "You okay?" He whispered in my ear. His arm was wrapped around my waist again.

"Yeah..I'm fine." I didn't look him the eye because he'll know I'm lying.

We continued to play spin the bottle.

It was Andrew's turn he spun the bottle around it slowed down and landed on me. I smiled at Andrew. He leaned in and I grasp his shirt collar. I pressed my lips against his. Our lips parted and closed about it lasted for about ten seconds. I pulled away and smiled at him. Andrew face turn a little red I thought it was the most cutest thing ever. I sat back down and made my distance away from Adam.

After a few rounds of spin the bottle I swurved my way from through the game not kissing Adam.

"What should we do now?" Andrew asked.

"Well we can go in the hot tub." Adam suggested.

"Yeah it sounds like fun." Jess agreed. I sat there in a daze focusing on the bottle. I bite down my lip replaying in my mind like it's on rewind. No matter how hard I try. Everything I do I couldn't get him out my brain. I hate this feeling in my chest that's unavoidable.

"Kendall!" Jess asked.

"What!" I was instantly snapped out my trance.

"Did you want to go in the hot tub?" She asked. I saw Adam's blue eyes frantically analyzing me with a concerned look. I immediately look down at the floor.

"Yeah. I'll go change." I mumbled. I picked myself up off the floor and went into the hallway to grab my bag. I climbed upstairs to a guest room to get changed. I found an empty room and closed it behind me. I leaned my back against the wall and sighed. I unzipped my bag and grabbed my two piece.

I slipped on the swim suite and tied it off in the back. I take a look in the mirror and analyzed myself. The swim suite was a black bikini which was one of my favorite swim suites that I have. I throw on a tee shirt and walked out of the guest room. I walked down the hallway and I saw pictures of Lucy when she was a baby. I smiled softly at the pictures while I walked down the hall. I made my way downstairs to the living room.

No one was there but I heard voices coming from the back of the house. I walk up to the porch door and open it up I see everyone hanging out by the hot tub. I opened the door leading to the pool. There were candles floating around in the water which made it mesmerizing.

"Hey Kendall!" I turn my attention to the voice and I see Jess calling me over. I see the guys over at the hot tub.

I walk up to her. "Hey."

"Are you going to take off that big shirt? We're not in fifth grade anymore.." she smirked.

"Right," I nodded. I slipped off my big tee shirt over my head.

"Okay let's go to the hot tub!" She grabbed my hand and dragged me to the hot tub. I saw the guys talking as Jess and I made it to the hot tub. Jess slipped in and winced as she got in the steaming tub.

"Damn Adam, what are you trying to do boil us to death?"

"I like it really hot." Adam shrugged. There was a gap in between Adam and Hayden. I didn't look at Adam and stepped in the hot tub on the other of the side.

The hot water engulfed my body as sat in the tub. I glanced at Adam I felt him analyzing me again wondering what's wrong with me.

"How are you not dying!" Andrew complained.

"I take a lot of hot showers," I shrugged.

"Did you guys get in without me!" I hear Kirsten. Jess' jaw dropped.

"Oh my god," She said.

Andrew choked on his tequila gasping for air.

"Someone get the holy water." Hayden mumbled. I turned around and I raised my eyebrows. Kirsten was wearing a g-string and a swim suit top that showed her side boob.

"Andrew, please pass the tequila." Andrew gave me the bottle and I unscrewed the cap. I threw my head back and chugged some of the liquor down.

Kirsten slips in the hot tub next to Adam and sighed dramatically. I rolled my eyes and took another sip of tequila.

"I'm gonna go get some beers anyone want any?"

"I'll take one." Jess said.

"Okay." I nodded. I climbed out of the tub and wrapped myself with a towel. I walked in the house the cool air wrapped around my body. I made my way to the kitchen. I open up the fridge cold air overwhelms me. I grabbed two beers and close the refrigerator. On the other side was Adam's face. His arm was draped over the fridge smirking at me.

"You scared me," I breathed. I looked down at the ground.

"Sorry." He said. Adam grasp my chin gently for me to look up at him.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" He asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I lied. Adam pulled me closed to him. I hate when he does that. I lied again. I love when he does that. When he pulls me close it makes everything not so shitty.

"You've been inching yourself away from me. Saying fewer words. Not going anywhere near me. Looking down at the ground trying to avoid less eye contact.."

I noticed his face became a little closer to mine. "It's nothing."

"How come I don't believe you?" Adam whispered. He tucked a hair behind my ear. I felt myself become panicky when his hand rested on my cheek softly and his face got closer and closer to mine by the second. His lips brushed against mine ever so slightly. I was so close to closing my eyes and letting him kiss me again that I lost sight of what was important.

"Don't you have Kirsten to get back to?" I asked quietly.

"You're kidding right?" He scoffed. Adam backed away from me with a irritated look.

I didn't say anything. I sighed mentally. Thank god.

"You're jealous of Kirsten,"

Of course I'm not jealous. I needed him to believe something so he can get off my trail. I don't need him knowing that I'm cracking.

"I can't believe you're jealous!"
I think I might a little bit a fuel to the fire.

"Why don't you just go to Kirsten!" I snapped. I saw Adam's eyes flash with anger. Damn I'm a good actress.

"Maybe I will!" He shouted.

"Fine!" I shot back.

"Good!" He glared.

"Great!" I scowled. I grabbed my beers and walked out of the kitchen and out of the house. I lean against the house and sighed. I turned my head to the window where I could see Adam inside. He ran his hand through his hair.

That was close.

Hey guys thanks so much for reading we have almost reached 500 goal which is absolutely crazy. I can't wait to reach my goal and I couldn't thank you guys enough.

Much love💕


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