Chapter 47

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Homecoming was over and people were going to their cars.
Adam and I were outside in the parking lot about to leave.

"You know I can always give you a ride home?" Adam offered.

"It's okay I can get a lift from Callie. She's going to ask me a load of questions so I might as well get it over with. Plus if I got a ride home with you I don't think I'll actually go home."

"That's true.." He mumbled. I laughed at his remark. I heard Callie honk her horn.

"That'll be me. I gotta go." I said. Adam gave me a quick kiss. I pulled away "Adam I got to go I'll see you tomorrow." I said. Then I raced away looking back at him he watched me leave.

I eventually found Callie's jeep and hopped in. All of them were silent. "You guys got nothing to say? Not a word?" I said to them in disbelief.

"I only have one thing to say.." Callie said quietly. I raised an eyebrow slowly. This was like the Jack in the box effect. It was like I was spinning the handle slowly and slowly. The suspense creeps in the back of my neck as the silence seeps in uncomfortably. 

"WE DID IT!" Callie screamed.

The whole car burst into screams and squeals. I covered my ears and ducked down. It was like a fire drill. And do guys remember  that whole effect Jack in the box? Yeah well it exploded. Into millions of little pieces.

"Did what?" I yelled loudly.

"Well let's just say for the past week three very loving best friends helped your boyfriend get ready for the homecoming. By dance lessons and giving him a low-key makeover.." Reagan smiled.

My eyes went wide. "You didn't." I said shocked. They all had small shy smiles on their faces. I can't believe they did this all for me. I would've never guessed they would go through as much trouble for me. "I love you guys.." I smiled softly.

"We love you so much Ken." Mia said genuinely.

I sat there in silence still a little shocked.

I have the best friends ever.

I walked in my house and closed the door behind me. I leaned against the door and sighed. How did I walk out of this house not wanting anything to do for guys forever.
But when I walked in here four hours later I gained a boyfriend?

I smiled to myself I was completely exhausted my feet hurt like hell and I want sleep for a year. I took off my heels and let them hang on my fingertips. I walked in the kitchen and ran a hand through my hair. "Where have you been?" A voice asked in the darkness. I screamed and put my hand to my chest. I turned a light on and Aiden was sitting in the darkness waiting for me.

"What are doing up so late it's almost twelve am?"

"I could ask you the same thing."
I rolled my eyes. "So I'm guessing you and Adam are together." I looked at him with a questioning look.

"How in the hell do you know these things?" I asked.

"Because I'm me. And anyways you probably know that he knows about Liam. He was obviously was going to tell you about it and you guys were going to get together." He shrugged. I stared at him for awhile. I don't know what I hate more him assuming the right thing or being cocky.

"The question is do you like him?" I raised an eyebrow.

"He's tolerable."

"Aiden don't put up walls from people just because I do." It was more of a plea than a demand.

"You're not the only one who lost a brother Ken." I felt than familiar pain again. I looked to my left where Liam's picture was on the wall. He was smirking at the camera. Light brown hair and brown eyes to match. That's my other half. No one will ever be able to fill that other half no matter what.

"I know that but I just don't want you to be like me."

"Kendall I couldn't ask for a better older sister. But somethings an older brother can teach me things that you can't. He's absent from my life too and his room hasn't even been touched since he's been gone and it's hard for me to even pass that room."

That room literally hasn't been touched since he went missing. When he went missing for he first week. I sat in his room acting like he was going to come through the door and tell me to sit and talk to him.

"I get it." I nodded. "I'm going to bed is mom home?"

"Nope she hasn't got home yet."


I walked upstairs and slipped off my dress. I stepped in the shower and let the hot water drip down from my back. I finished bathing and stepped out the shower. I put up my hair in a high ponytail and slipped on my pajamas. I dragged myself to my room. Turned off my light and wrapped myself in my covers and closed my eyes. I'm about drift off into sleep. But then the were the sound of rocks at my window. I groaned and sat up went to my window. It's not like I get usual late night visitors but it's always some kind of damn interruption. I opened my window and Adam was standing outside my window. "Yes?"

"Hey gorgeous."

"Adam please tell me you have a good reason why you're here at 1 in the morning!"

"Can I crash here for the night?"

"I don't care." I leave the window and sit on my bed waiting for him. Adam came in through the window. He was wearing sweatspants and a sweatshirt.

"I'm going to bed." I announced. I didn't care where he slept as long as I sleep. He joined me without a shirt which cause me to look straight at his chest. I'm no longer sleepy. I looked at him smirking at me. I smiled when I realized that Adam was my boyfriend and that he's mine. And I can look at him anytime I want. I don't usually like taking possession on people but when your boyfriend looks like a Hollister model some girls would probably put a stamp on their for head saying do not touch.

"Kendall?" I snapped out of my thought.


"Goodnight." He laughed. Adam leaned in and lifted my chin he kissed me softly and slowly.  I pulled away and laid down on Adam's chest. It was hard but yet soft at the same time. Adam was playing with my hair. I traced Adam's chest making sure I got every last crease correctly.



"Why did you want to sleep here tonight?"

"I missed you."

"What about Lucy?"

"She has her nanny for the night. I'll leave tomorrow so I take care of her."

I nodded slowly.

"So your parents aren't going to bug out that they'll find a guy sleeping in your bed?"

"'ll be fine. No one ever comes home so it's just me and Aiden."

Adam continued to play with my hair and drifted off to sleep on his chest.

That's it! You've guys officially  wiped me out of chapters! More chapters should be up soon. We're almost at 5k woo hoo! If there's any typos ignore them because I'm too sleepy to fix them. Comment how you think the book is going! I want to hear your opinion. They're important.

Stay tuned guys..


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