Chapter 29

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I felt sunlight burn through my eyes. I winced at the sudden brightness. I felt like I've been bitch slapped by the sun. "What the hell!" I growled. I threw my covers over my head.

"Is that any way to talk to your old man?" I hear voice. My eyes flew open like blinds. I unveiled my covers and sat up urgently.

"Dad!" I yelled. I sprung out of bed and into his arms. He envolped me in warmness that only he was able to bring.

"Hey kid." He laughed. I inhaled his all too familiar cologne.  I pulled away to look at him. My dad was a former pretty boy. As he got older he became good looking with age. People on the street would probably wouldn't have guessed that we were even related. He's has a paler skin completion than me with amber dirty blonde hair and light brown eyes.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well Aiden told me about your little situation and I thought I check in," he said that part a little softer. He tucked some hair behind my ear. "Now don't get ma-"

"Aiden!" I called. It echoched through the hallways.

"Nevermind." He muttered.

A few seconds later Aiden trudged through my door. His brown eyes light up like lights when he sees our father.

"Dad!" He saids. Aiden runs up and tackles him in a hug.

"What's up smart ass?" He chuckled. Aiden turns to look at me his face immediately falls. I stood there with a pissed off looked on my face. I stalked over to him slowly. I'm pretty sure the look of death was in my eyes because Aiden's eyes mirror utter fear.

"What did you tell him?" I asked lowly. Aiden slowly backed away and looked down at the ground. That's where he was going to be if I didn't get answers.

"Oh..nothing special." He said nervously with a laugh. He shifted his jaw a bit as he looked down at the carpeted ground.

"Details. Aiden. Details." I said calmly.

"Just the beginning of the bet until now.." He said quietly. My breath hitched a bit and I backed away from him. How can he just ruin our trust? Was it really that easy? All the things I tell him. And he just revealed everything.

"I'm going to kill you!" I yelled. I began to lunged for Aiden but my dad caught me just in time. I was kicking in mid air. Aiden zoomed away from the scene like a petrified mouse. He better hope that he can run while he can.

"Kendall! Don't kill your brother!"

"Wait until I get my hands on that little ass hole!" I growled. He held me close not for comfort, but for Aiden's safety. Which was all but wise.

"Kendall calm down.." Dad said soothingly. I huffed and crossed my arms. I blew a strand out of my face. "He just cares about you that's all. Aiden is worried about you."

I stayed silent. Aiden could've at least tell me.

"Come on get packed. I'm taking you and Aiden somewhere." Dad let me go

"What about school?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it."

"But where are we going?"

"I'm not telling you that. You just have to go with the flow." He smirked. Dad turned around and walked out my room. I rolled my eyes and got dressed. I threw on a pale blue crop top with short jean suspenders. I threw on some converse. I did my hair into a high low updo. I took a glance at the myself in mirror my eyes were a little puffy. I sighed and I grabbed my round vintage sunglasses. I took one glance at the picture of Adam and me from the photobooth. I shook it off and I threw a few things in a suitcase and I was ready to go.

I lugged my things downstairs and dragged them to dad's car. But I was stopped by my phone ringing. I pulled out my phone to see who it was. It was Callie "Hello?"

"Kendall! Are you okay? Where are you?" She interrogated.

"Callie I'm fine but I'm going out of town for awhile."

"Where are you going! And without me you bitch!" She complained. I smiled a little.

"My dad came in town and he's taking me somewhere I have no clue where."

"Adam's been calling us." She mentioned quietly. I felt a small pang by sound of his name. "Kendall..why didn't you tell us?" Callie asked. She sounded almost hurt that I didn't tell her.

"I'm sorry Cal I just needed sometime. If Adam calls you or anything just tell him that I'm fine and don't worry about me." I requested. I don't want him to know where I am. It's better if he doesn't know.

"Okay if that's what you want.." Callie sounded disappointed.

"Thanks you can call me anytime." I said.

"Okay. I gotta go. I love you."

"Love you Cal." Then she hung up.

"You ready to go?" Dad asked from behind me. I turned around and he was staring at me with a bright grin. It reminded me of Liam's

"Yeah. I'll be in the car." I nodded. I put the last of my stuff in the trunk and climbed in the car. Aiden eventually joined in the back seat. I felt my anger from what happened linger a little.

"Ken?" He asked softly.

"Not now Aiden." I sounded cold and hard. I've never sounded that harsh to him before. I looked at him through the driver mirror. Aiden shrinked in his seat and looked at the window. I bit down on my lip for being so harsh.

My dad climbed in the car. "Everyone ready to go?" He asked. Neither of us said anything we just mumbled unclear words.

"Yeah I'm excited too guys." Dad said. I smiled a little at his sarcasm. Then we were off to our mystery destination.

Hey guys thanks for reading. I'll try to squeeze in some more chapters for tomorrow. Maybe a double day possibly? I'm not sure.

Much love💕


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