Chapter 8

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"So where are we going?" I asked. I was sitting in Adam's car waiting to get to our unnamed destination.

"I told you the movies." He laughed.

"Liar! We passed like two movie theaters already!"

He chuckled. "Who said it was at a movie theater?" His eyes focused on the road.

I gave him skeptical look. "Do you have to know where we're going?" He asked.


He groaned and we were silent for awhile I played on my phone for awhile. Then I got bored. "Are we there yet?" I whined. I leaned back in seat

"No." He groaned again.

We finally stopped the car we pull up to the woods. "We're here." He announced.

We got out the car. "This is not a movie theater." I smirked.

"Wonderful observations Kendall. Now follow me." He said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and followed him to a trail where bikes were waiting for us.

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Have a sense of adventure." He urged.

"Luckily I'm wearing high tops." I got on one the bikes. Adam went in front of me so I can follow. It was about a ten minute ride.

Then Adam stopped abruptly "We're here." He smiled.

I climbed off my bike and Adam took my hand. I noticed that it was getting dark.

"Adam it's getting dark. Where are we going?" I asked.

"Kendall the date has only begun.." He smirked. Then we walked around for about three minutes. Then Adam stopped once again. "Close your eyes."

I obeyed at closed my eyes and Adam covered my eyes. "Why did you cover my eyes?" I laughed.

"Because I don't trust you."

I laughed and he guided me somewhere. He eventually took his hands off my eyes but relocated on my waist. He kind of pushed me along. "Almost there.." He whispered.

Then he let go of me. "Open." He smiled.

I slowly open my eyes there were fireflies flying around me and a bed sheet tied on each end of two trees. And there was a projection machine. Then a blanket was laid out and there's a view of the whole city.

I was impressed..a little.
What can I say? I'm hard to impress.

"How do you like it?" He shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Pretty cool." I gave him a half smile. I sit down on the blanket and Adam sits down next to me.

"I brought a few movies some of them are black and white."

I do like black and white movies.
Yeah. I'm weird.

"Yeah I love black and white movies." I nodded. Adam gets up and puts on Whatever Happened To Baby Jane. This is one of my favorites.

Adam comes back and lays down on the blanket. He pulls a Snickers out of his pocket and hands it to me. "How did you know that Snickers was my favorite candy?"

"I did my homework." He said cockily. I raised an eyebrow. "Okay! So I maybe asked your friends what your favorite candy is.." He confessed.

"Uh-huh." My friends are going to interrogate me tomorrow I feel it.

We laugh at all the crazy parts. Back then it was supposed to be disturbing but now it's hilarious. Sometimes me and Adam exchange glances. I think to myself how did I ever get caught into something like this. I never thought I would be sitting here watching a movie with one of the biggest players in my school.

As the movie went on Adam got closer to me and I was too into the movie to realize until the end.

Then the credits rolled and I stood to stretch.

"Did you like it?" He asked.

"Yeah even if I have watched it a thousand times."

"You said it was your first time!"

"I know I lied so I wouldn't hurt your feelings." I laughed.

"We should get back home it's late." He suggested.

"Yeah." We gather everything up. I get the blanket and Adam gets the projector. I was gathered the bed sheet and folding it up.

"Hey Kendall stay here and I'll be right back." He called over his shoulder.

"Okay!" I called back.

Once I get everything together I waited for Adam he was taking forever. He was gone for twenty minutes.

I started to hear owls and squirrel climbing up trees. Then I heard leaves grazing each other. I felt a little bit of fear rush through me. It was started to become cold.

Where is he!

I felt a strong pair of arms wrapped around me. I screamed the highest I've ever screamed. The strong pair of arms spinned me around I felt my legs come off the air. I heard Adam's laugh as if it was mocking me. The strong arms put me down and Adam was doubled over in laughter.

I charged at him and hit him really hard. "Don't do that!" I yelled. I walked away from him and made my way to the car.

I hate being startled especially from behind. I can feel my anger radiating. I hear Adam calling my name from behind. Ignored his calls and kept walking. I felt a familiar hand grab me. Adam pulled me swiftly against his body. We were practically chest to chest.

My heart was racing at a rapid pace. Adam was staring at me closely. "Hey look at me." He said softly.

I refuse to look at him and he's not going to do that thing either.

"I'm not letting you go until you look at me Kendall.." He whispered. He was so close to my ear it send chills up my spine.

I reluctantly met his gaze looking into his eyes. "What?" I asked annoyed.

"I want you to forgive me.." he whispered in my ear his lips touching my ear.


"Because I hate it when you're mad at me-" his hands made its way to my lower back. I felt Adam's lips brushed against my neck slowly. I shuttered a little. "You don't want to sit out here all night do you?" He lured.

I felt my anger die down. I looked at him for a while. How can he say one word and I'm calm? It irritates the hell out of me.

"Do you think it's that easy to calm me down?" I asked.

"You're calm now aren't you?" He smiled. "You want to go to the car right?" I stared Adam down and he stared me down. He had more of an amused look on his face.

"I forgive you. God you're such a-"
"Prick? Yeah I know."

He walked towards his car with confidence with each stride. I followed him into the car. We made small talk and acted like nothing happened.

I followed him back to his car with a glare on my face.

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