Chapter 64

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Lucy and I walked back in the kitchen to find Adam sweeping up sprinkles.

"Adam do you have something to say to Lucy?" I asked. I gave him a glared to apologize. Adam sighed and kneeld down to Lucy.

"I'm sorry for laughing at you..will you forgive me?" He said. Lucy smiled at him sweetly. Then all the sudden she smacks him as hard as she can. I bursted into laughter. I love her so much.

"No!" She yelled. Then made her way back to me. I lifted her up and gave her a hug.

"I love you.." I said through a laugh. Adam gave me a hard glare. I put Lucy down and gave Adam a little pout. "I'm sorry I laughed.." I wrapped my arms around him. He just kept glaring at me. I kissed him softly he instantly kissed me back. I pulled away and winked at him. I saw Lucy watching us intrigued.

"Okay let's make some cookies." I grinned at her. Lucy nodded and smiled.

"I wanna mix the bowl!" Lucy volunteered.

"You'll put in the cookies." I pointed at Adam. He shrugged lightly smirking at me.

I put in the ingredients and I cracked the egg as Lucy focused on my movements slowly.

"Ken?" She said quietly.

"Yes?" I answered.

"Can I crack an egg again?" She asked.

"Come here.." I said. She waddled over to me and sat on my lap. "Okay now watch." I cracked the egg slowly as she watched intently. "Got it?" I asked.

Lucy nodded slowly and grabbed an egg. She cracked her egg perfectly and released it in the bowl.

"You did it!" I grinned.

"I did it!" She engulfed me into a hug. I looked up at Adam I noticed that he was wearing an unreadable expression. Lucy pulled away. "I wanna mix!" She said eagerly.

"Go for it." I shrugged. She mixed the bowl quickly without missing a beat. I just let mix until she got warn out which didn't take long.

"Done." She said breathlessly.

I laughed a little. "Okay now we need to flatten it."

I took out the wad of dough and began to roll it out. Once it was flattened, Lucy got out the star shape cookie cutter and basically went crazy on the dough. When she was finished it looked like a massacre.

"Nice job Lucy." I complimented.

I pulled out most of the cookie survivors and placed them on the cookie sheet. "Okay Adam put them in the oven."

Adam got up and put the cookies in the oven. "Happy?" He said.
I nodded and smiled sweetly.


"They're ready! They're ready!" Lucy yelled. Adam took out the lopsided cookies. They we're sloppy but still look great on our first try.

"Can we decorate them!" She yelled.

"Yes.." I nodded. I got out some frosting and the sprinkles. I put some frosting on a plate and gave Lucy a plastic knife. "Alright go crazy." I said.

Lucy spreaded her blue frosting on the cookie and put loads of sprinkles on it. She look at it in accomplishment. Then she devoured it like she didn't put any work into it all. Adam and I just watch her amusingly. After a while Lucy began to rub her eyes.

"I think it's time for bed." I laughed. She lifted up her hands for me to pick her up. I lifted her up from her chair as she instantly attached herself to my waist. She rested her head on my shoulder.

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