Chapter 37

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"Are you sure that you guys are going to be okay being home alone?" My dad said worriedly.

I grabbed my suitcases from the car trunk. "Yes dad Aiden and I will be okay. I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"Where's your mother?" My dad looking around the house.

"No clue." Aiden said as he climbed the stairs.

My father crossed his arms. "Huh. How long have you guys been alone for long periods of time?"

"A few weeks..maybe a month." I sighed. I set down my suitcases and sat on the stairs.

"Month!" Dad scoffed. My dad's jaw clenched if he pressed down any harder then his jaw would break. "Hang on." He turned his back away from me. I don't why he wasn't aware of this before. I just assume that he knew.

Dad pulls out his phone. He dials a number. "What the hell Carrie! How can you leave Kendall to take care of Aiden!"

"I know she's seventeen! That's the point! You should be taking care of our kids!" He yelled. I jumped a little. No one can make me flinch when they shout except for my father. It's not great that I have his temper either.

"If that's the way you feel then they should come live with me until you feel like a parent again!" He replied. Something cold set in my chest.

If I'm honest with myself I didn't want to go anywhere. I didn't want to leave my friends or my job. I'm happy here. Well sort of. I sat down on the steps watching him.

"You can't have it both ways Carrie! I'm not going to sit around and just let you neglect my kids and be okay with that!"

"No, no I can't stay out of it! You need to stay in it for your children's sake!" Then he hung up. My dad huffed and ran his hand through his hair.

I he turned around and notice that I was watching him. His eyes immediately went soft. I stood up from my spot and wrapped my arms around him.

"Dad..we'll be fine I promise." My father kissed my forehead and sighed.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes dad don't worry about us."

"Okay kid.."

Hey guys I know..I know it been awhile and it's a short chapter and your probably thinking what the fuck. But I busy so my updating is going to get a little messy for a while but don't worry I'll make sure to update as much as possible.

Much love


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