Chapter 55

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"We'll make plans later," I promised Adam as I put my stuff in the trunk. I closed it and turned back at him.

"Alright. Go check on Reagan for me. I want to know if she's okay. Callie and Mia haven't left her side. Andrew was suppose to go there later this afternoon."

I nodded quietly. "I'm going over there before I pick up Aiden." I unlocked my car. "Hopefully he isn't too mad at me."

Adam tugged me closer him. I laughed a little and kissed him softly.

"I hope you know that this is all your fault." I mentioned.

"I didn't do a thing. It's your fault that you're in hot water with your brother.." Adam grinned as he moved a few stray hairs out of my face.

"Yeah all I know I just want someone to blame it on."

He chuckled and kissed my cheek. "Jess is going to come over later with the rest of the guys. Lucy will be happy to see them." I opened my car door and climb in. Adam closed the door for me our hands were laced together.

"Alright I'll call you later," I said as I slowly back out of the drive way but Adam was still holding my hand.

"Adam let go." I laughed. But his fingertips were attached to mine.

"Adam you idiot let go!"

He just ignored me and walked me down the driveway while I pulled out.

"Foster let go my hand!" I ordered. He kissed my the top of my hand and let go out it.

"You're an idiot!" I called out.

"You know you loved it!" He shot back. I rolled my eyes and drove away.

"Dumb ass.." I muttered.


I pulled up to Reagan's house. I walked up to the house and walked in. Everytime I walk in here it always smells like coffee or cinnamon. But no coffee was being made so it was the distant smell of cinnamon. The first person I saw was Reagan's mother. She holding a mug sitting at the staircase.

Her electric blue eyes looked up at me with a soft smile. "Hi Kendall.."

"Hey Julie. How is she?" I asked her sitting next to her.

"She's fine..but just quiet. Quiet worries me." She said into her cup. I gazed at her as she spoke. Reagan is like her mother's clone. They look exactly a like. It was almost scary.

"Reagan's tough. It's going to shake her up for awhile but she always knows how to get back up again. You and I both know that." I reminded.

Julie smiles a bit despite the situation. "I know. She's gotten a whole lot of visitors. There was young man upstairs with Mia and Callie last night and yesterday a young lady with blue hair." Reagan's mom said with confused look on her face.

I laughed a little. "If you were worried about them you don't need to be..they're friends of ours." I reassured her.

She nodded slowly but I could tell she was still skeptical. "She may want to see you. You can go up if you want."

"Alright.." I got up to climb up the stairs but a hand caught me making me stop abruptly. I looked down to see Julie was hanging on to my hand.

"Thank you Kendall," She said softly.

I gaze at her for a second. There was more to that thank you than I realized at first. But I gave a single nod. "No problem." I whispered.


I opened the door to Reagan's room slowly. I found her laying in bed with Mia laughing about something. Callie was sitting in a chair with a small smile against her lips. There were lilies overwhelming the room. I don't think there was a spot in the room that wasn't filled. Reagan's eyes looked over at the door and her eyes lit up.

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