Chapter 3

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(👆👆Adam is above👆👆)

The dismissal bell rang, I've only been in school for a month and I already want it to end. I dragged myself to the school parking lot. Trudging through slowly and tiredly.

Callie waited for me there leaning lazily on her car.

I climbed in her jeep and waited for her inside. "Hey babe," She said nonchalantly.

"Where's Mia and Reagan?" I asked. I peered out of the window. I assumed they would be along shortly.

"Oh Mia's mom gave her a ride home and Reagan is staying after school for homecoming preparations." Callie explained.

"Oh I forgot that she was on homecoming committee." I said while I was struggling with the seatbelt.

"And the yearbook club, business club, drama club, student council, and video club. Oh and now homecoming committee. And let's not forget the student body president. I'm surprise she makes time for us then attempts to make time for herself." She sighed. "She does so much."

"Very true. If she keeps running herself down she's going to be frazzled." I shook my head. Genuinely worried for her tolerance of stress.

"Reagan? Our Reagan?" She let out a laugh. "No she was born to be a multitasker. It would worry me if she took a break." She started her car.
"You need me to take you to the photography place right?"

I froze in place and my eyes dilated. I completely forgot that I was supposed to be working today. "You forgot didn't you?" Callie had a smug look on her face.

"Yeah I did a lot of shit happened today that I completely forgot." I shrugged. I rubbed my temples a bit. It was silent for moment. Too silent. I glanced at her before leaning back in my seat.

"Why won't you give him a chance?" She bursted.

I knew it was too quiet.


"Adam Foster." She whines a bit as she clings onto her stirring wheel.

I whipped my head around. She's kidding right? But I have to remember she's never kidding.

"Do I need to make a list?" I let out a dry and humorless laugh.

She pulled out of the school parking lot. "Okay maybe he sleeps around. A lot. And does drugs.." She trailed off. Her point was thankfully faltering.

"Wow he sounds like a perfect match for me Cal. Your whole match making thing is phenomenal." I laughed bitterly.

"I'm sorry it's just that I want you to have someone and you haven't been the same since.."

That made a pang in my chest. My whole body went cold. She knows I hate this subject. "I'm sorry's just that we all miss him and we just want our happy Kendall back."

Problem was, I don't think the old Kendall is around anymore.

Tears were something I chose not to waste. But it still pained me all the same. I let out a breath as if to shake the feeling.
We were almost at my job. "It's fine Callie. I get it." I nodded. Silence lingered for the rest of the drive. I sat there in a daze. We finally arrived to my job. "You need me to pick you up after?" She broke the silence.

I didn't realize when we were in front of my job.

"Yeah well. I'll see you in a few hours." I responded softly but I cleared my throat.

She nodded quietly her eyes were averted to the wheel. I grabbed my stuff and got out the car.

I walked in and the office phone was ringing and no one was at the desk. I ran up to answer the phone "Thanks for calling Picture Perfect how may I help you?" I said in my business voice.

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