Chapter 53

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Aiden and I strolled out of Mr. Casey's office. A smile was evident on his face but I had a slight frown on mine. But I couldn't help be happy for Aiden. It's what he wants. And if he's happy I'm happy. Sort of.

"Kenny?" He said softly.

"Hm?" I turned to him. Then all the sudden he enveloped me in a hug. It was quite a shock because he never hugs me. At least not where there are witnesses. He was a head taller than me so my head was buried in his chest.

"Thank you so much." Aiden whispered. I don't think I noticed how much he really wanted this.

"Don't mentioned it nerd." I smiled slightly.

"I love you too." He chuckled.

We pulled away slowly. Aiden was still grinning like he won an award. I swiped some of his hair from out of his face and sighed.

"Can you do me a favor and stop growing?" I said blandly.

Aiden laughed a bit. "I'll try."

I turned my head to find Adam sitting in his chair patiently. "I'm gonna go talk to Adam alright?" I said.

"I thought we were going to celebrate." He said with disappointment.

"We are but we can't today. There was a incident this afternoon involving Reagan so I need to be here for her right now."

I could still see the disappointment in his eyes but he tried covering it with a nod.

"Okay I'll see you at home." Aiden said as he moved away from me. I sighed in exhaustion I can't spread myself out but so far. I walked over to Adam. He looked up and stared at me quietly.

"Hey," He said softly.

"Hi.." I hugged myself. He got up out of his chair and wrapped me in his warm embrace.

"You okay?" Adam asked.

"I guess." I whispered.

"Hey no PDA!" I heard someone correct. I rolled my eyes and escape his warm grasp. I walked slowly out of the office with Adam following behind.

"Is Reagan still in the nurse's?" I asked.

"No her mom picked her up. She said she need some space." Adam shrugged a bit.

I sighed again and looked down at the ground. It was almost time for school to let out.

"How about we go for a drive after school?" Adam offered.

"Alright.." I nodded.


Adam was driving around while I sat in passenger seat. I just stared out of the window as I saw it began grow dark. The dark purple was splattered against the pink and the sunset. I was just deep in thought about everything. I worried about Reagan. I was thinking about how the group was changing things. Good and bad. All of these things were swirling in my head were slowly crowding every corner of my brain.

"You haven't said a word since we left school." Adam broke the lengthy silence.

I shrugged a bit and kept looking out the window. Then I felt the whole car come to an abrupt stop. I turned to give him a confused look but he looked at me with hard eyes.

"Kendall don't do this." Adam said firmly.

"Don't do what Adam! What am I doing?" I snapped at him.

"Close yourself off from me!"

My equally hard eyes grew somewhat soft. I crossed my arms and sighed. I can't blame him for being concerned.

"I want to know what you're thinking! I want to know what you're feeling. I need you to tell me so I won't be in the dark. I don't want get into that shit again where we don't say what we're thinking." He said a soft tone. Then all the sudden tiny drops of water clashed against the car. I look up to see water droplets fight against the glass. One drop made a single clapping sound. Then more drops of water came and making the rain sound like around of applause as the water bounced against the metal of the car.

I gazed into his blue eyes making my whole expression grow soft. I shifted my jaw a bit as I looked at Adam. His eyes were kind of holding a hard expression but was sort of gentle at the same time.

"I'm sorry.." I said softly as I gazing down at my seat. I haven't had anyone to release my feelings to. At least not since Liam. I guess I've been so used to not being able to talk to anyone that I wasn't even thinking about Adam.

I felt a hand lift my chin up my eyes meeting Adam's. "You have nothing to be sorry about.." He whispered.

"I guess this whole thing with Reagan has really messed with my head a bit." I said softly. "What if it was Jess or Callie? Or even Mia?" I asked rhetorically.

"Or you?" Adam said tucking a peice of brown hair behind my ear.

"It would've never happened. I know how handle myself in those situations." I said in a uneven tone.

"If Chapman laid a hand on either of you I would've probably killed him.But I couldn't help but think what if you were pinned up against the wall with you pants ripped open and that son of a bitch's tongue sliding down your neck." Adam said with cold eyes. I moved away some of his brown locks from his eyes. I watched as his eyes turned soft again. My hand rested on his cheek gently.

"If I'm with you..nothing is going to happen." I said softly.

I meant with any situation. If something were to happen I know I would get through it with him.

"I know." He said quietly as he kissed my forehead. I rested my head on his shoulder. We sat there watching the rain quitely.

"Wanna have a sleepover?" He asked suddenly.

A small smile was pressed against my face.

"Sure.." I said softly.

Hey guys sorry for the long wait for this chapter. I know I've been busy since school started and I've been also making draft chapters for the book. So if I'm not posting chapters, I'm writing chapters. So another chapter should be up maybe tonight possibly? Maybe in the middle of the week. We'll see.

Stay tuned.


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