Chapter 9

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(👆👆Liam is above👆👆)

I was coming home from school and I was worn out. I've been running ragged all day. I've going over homecoming plans with Reagan. I was looking at dresses with Mia which took forever but we found one. I wanted to jump off a nearest cliff. Callie wanted me to help her make fliers for the stupid dance. Then I had to make another set of fliers because Reagan said. "This is the wrong type of white." How in the hell am I supposed to know that this certain white wasn't the white she's been looking for? Then I've got Adam asking me about plans about having a date.

Everyone has been driving me up a wall. I walked in my house and my phone started to ring I didn't give a shit about who it was and why they were calling me. I put my phone on silent and trudged upstairs. I plopped on my bed and groaned.

After I finished my groaning and mentally dying inside, I got up and look at myself in the mirror. My hair was a mess I look like something off the fucking Croods. My face just looks like hell with eyeballs. I needed a break. I picked up my phone and dialed a phone number.

"Hey come over and bring your stuff."
"I'm here! I'm here!" Callie shouted. She was holding bags of probably everything from her room.

I laughed. "Hey!" I walked up to her and help her with her bags.

"Callie I asked you to come over for a sleepover not permanently." I groaned.

"I know! I know! But I just want to be prepared. Now tell me everything that's been going on." Callie demanded.

"Okay so do you remember how you gave Adam Foster the place where I worked?"

"You guys didn't have sex did you!" She asked.

Wow that went from zero to a hundred real quick. "No Callie! We made a bet that if I don't become attracted to him then he quits being a player. If I do become attracted to him then it just proves his point." I huffed.

She looked at me for a second but then a smile curled on her face. "He's going to win."

My jaw drops. "What makes you say that!"

She takes a seat leisurely and she sets her things down. "Just 'cause,"

"So what do you want to do?"

Her eyes widen and she looked over at me with bright eyes. "Can I give you that makeover?"

"There's nothing wrong with my appearance," I protested.

"Why can't you change just this once! It's only for a day!" She said.

"Fine! But I'm changing back after tomorrow!" I yelled. She squealed and scrambled for her things.

"Okay! Sit down and don't move a muscle." She giggled.

I groaned and plopped in the chair. She zips around my room grabbing a makeup counter from her bag.

"Okay close your eyes." She ordered.

I felt pressure on my face and something wet. I cringed it felt so weird "Kendall will you stop cringing its just makeup."


" keep your eyes closed."

Then I felt pressure on my eyelids and something pointy.

"I wish you would've let me do this sooner."

"Well you already got your wish."

She laughed and continue to do my face. "Almost..finished." I can feel the smile on her face. "Okay now open."

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