Chapter 21

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I walked out the room with a small smile on my face. Then Kirsten charges for me. "Listen Kendall you're going to stay away from Adam-" I interrupted her.

"Let me tell you something! I don't know who the hell think you are coming up to me giving me orders." As I stepped forward she took a step back. "Let me guess you were going to come up to me and threatened me and cause me physical harm. And probably embarrass me in front of Adam. Right? Right-" I answered for her. "And you were going to make my life hell until you get your way. Am I correct? I'm correct-" the more I walked forward the more she took a steps back. My anger grew with each step."You're nothing but a first class bitch and whore. You make people's life a living hell! You're just a cliché like the rest of those girls who find people a threat! And if you ever attempt to even touch me I swear I will slap you so hard you'll have a speech impediment!" When I was finished talking Kirsten was against the wall. With a somewhat scared look on her face.

That's exactly how I wanted her. Scared. I whipped my head around and notice that Andrew, Hayden, And Jess were gawking at me.

Andrew suddenly laughed and clapped his hands. Hayden mouth curved into a smile. Jess smirks. "Alright Kendall!" She got up and high fives me.

I was wearing a small smile.

"I like you." He smirked.

"How did you do that? " Jess asks intrigued.

"Do what?"

"Make him like you..he hates people." Jess laughs.

I shrugged I really had no idea.
"Thank you Kendall." He said quickly.

"I just told her what she needed hear." I shrugged.

Adam walked in he looked at me and winked which take me back to five minutes ago. I bit my lip from the new memory. He smirked at me like he was thinking the same thing.

"Where's Kirsten?" He asked.

Everyone murmured that they didn't know. But as if on cue she walked in she gave me a dirty look and I ignored her. Jess gave her a dirty look in return.

Kirsten rolled her eyes at Jess then made her way to Adam and kissed him passionately. He kissed her back and I rolled my eyes. That feeling came over me again and try pushing far away as possible.

I'm so over her little games and I just met her.

"Hey guys do you want to watch a movie?" Jess asked.

We all moved to the movie theater. "Adam it's time for a talk." Hayden told him.

"That means just him and me Kirsten." He said slowly so she could understand.

"I'm not stupid Hayden!" She hissed.

"You sure?" He said quickly. Then he pulled Adam and Andrew in another room. It was just me and jess and Kirsten.

She scowles at him and she whips her hair and sits down on the other side of the room. She scoffs at us and scrolls around on her phone.

"Its okay Kirsten we didn't want your STDS anyways." She saids in a innocent voice.

"How dare you little-" she looks like she about to explode.

"Finish that sentence! I want you to do it! If you do I will shove your phone up your ass and have it come out of your throat!" Jess threatened.

Damn she's graphic.

"Bitch!" Kirsten shouts.

"Thats it!" Jess lurches for her.

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