Chapter 12

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"Where are we going now?" I asked for the fifteenth time.

"Somewhere fun." He answered the equal amount that I have asked.

We've been in the car for about twenty minutes and he's yet to tell me where we are going.

"Don't worry we are only three minutes away now." He promised.

I groaned deeply. "You said that twenty minutes ago." I whined.

"And I'm going to keep telling you that until you stop asking me if we are there yet." He said lightly. I sunk in my seat in a slight pout. I glanced over at the radio and I begin to poke at it. I kept hitting the button that made the station change. I wasn't really looking. I just wanted something to do. First there was music then there was static. Then more static then music.

"Just pick a damn station Kendall." Adam said suddenly. He made me jump a little in my seat. I narrowed my eyes at him and stopped to station where it just played static. White noise play in the car. I sat in my seat with crossed arms. He turned off the radio with a hard gaze. I glared at him with annoyance.

I began to play with my seat. I could  change the direction of the seat. I smirked kept playing with it.

Side to side. Up and down. Back and forth. The possibilities were endless. I glanced over at Adam who was gaining a slight eye twitch. The humming from the motor of the seat filled the silence of the car.

"Oh my god you are so immature." He blew up. "Can you be anymore annoying than you are right now?" He asked with evident irritation and slight anger.

I looked at him for a moment with a neutral gaze. "Yes."

Adam let out a long groan. His hands were clutching onto the stirring wheel for dear life. I began to laugh a bit before hugging my knees and looking out the window.

Fifteen mintues go by. Finally we pulled up to a parking lot. Swarms of cars were here but I wasn't sure what for. I heard faint screams in the air.

"We here now alright? We are finally here. Now you can stop annoying the shit out of me."

"Did you know I can annoy people even out of vehicles?" I smirked brightly. Annoying him was probably going to be my day job now. He rolled his eyes and got out the car. I followed suit and got out along with him.

An arm was wrapped around my waist. I looked over to see Adam with a slightly smug expression on his face. "You need to behave yourself." He told me as he pulled me closer. He has no clue what personal space even is.

"Are you going to keep doing that? Grabbing onto my waist like I'm your property." I cocked an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry, does it annoys you?"

"Yes." I answered.

"Then yes," He smiled sweetly.
"Before you turn around I want to tell you that I've never taken anyone here before this place is special to me." He mentioned.

"So you thought of this all by yourself?" I asked slowly.

"Yeah I did."

"Awe you were thinking with your head and not your dick this time. I'm so proud of you." I cooed with a grin.

He rolled his eyes and I let out a laugh.

"Okay now turn around."

I spun around and smiled a bit. Large but colorful machinery was set in the area. Children and adults had smiles on their face from previous activities. Chatter and distant screaming filled the air. A ferris wheel stood proudly in the middle of the area. It spun around in a leisurely manner.

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