Chapter 15

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Mia and I were walking to our next class. "So how are you Adam and you going?" She asked holding her books tightly.

I smiled a little at her curiosity. "It's been going okay I guess. I mean don't think that the bet will be ending anytime soon." I shrugged before glancing over at her. It's been almost three weeks. And I haven't cracked.

"I think he likes you." Mia said like it was a well known fact.

"I doubt that. He just wants to get in my pants," I rolled my eyes. It seems so unrealistic Adam liking me. There's plenty of girls that he can choose from. He could do so much better than me it's almost laughable that he would pick me for his first choice.

"You know Kendall, it isn't impossible for him to like you or you liking him.."

"I know it's just-" I was interrupted by a clash of the lockers. I turn my attention to the commotion. I heard voices and maybe even some laughter. I see two figures wrestling on the floor throwing punches.

Guys. Definitely guys.

There was crowd around watching the show. Their eyes widen and laced with adrenaline. I couldn't make out who it was. Dark brown hair flash before my eyes.

It can't be him.

I saw the deep blue eyes as well. But I refused to say it was him. This time, I got a good look at them on the floor. My eyes dilated slightly.

It was him.

"Mia, hold my stuff I'll be right back." I said to her calmly.

Before she could protest, I shoved my way though the crowd. I was tearing away past people. I saw Adam throwing his fists at the person's face in a steady beat. The anger and rage in his eyes were evident.

My palms sweated a little. Then without any trace of thought, I walked into the fight. I could feel the eyes on me. Wondering what I would do. I tugged onto Adam's shoulder and tried to pull him back a little. The keyword here is tried.

"Adam!" I barked loudly. The only thing I knew to do was to get his attenion. His eyes flicked up to me harshly. The eyes carried a wolfish glare and was ready for the next victim. But they seemed to sweetened  over on to me. He still had the victim in hand and malice was still a strand in his eyes. He could go for one more punch wether I'm there or not.

"Hey look at me.." I said gently. He focused his attention on me and drop the victim like a vicious dog dropping a stick. I realized that it was Ethan Chapman. One of the most biggest douches in school. I would take ten thousand Adams before I would have to deal with that single bastard. I wouldn't know why Adam would be denting his face in, but it probably was a pretty damn good reason.

I saw the bruises begin to take color on Ethan's face I turn back to Adam and he only had a bloody lip to match his lip ring. "Just breathe, Foster. It's not worth it. Alright? Just come with me." I said calmly. He looked down at me and back at Ethan.

"Please." I whispered so only he could hear. I grabbed his hand and laced it with mine gently. He looked down at our hands. He seemed like he was trying to solve a puzzle.

"Fine." Was all he managed to mutter out. He laced his fingers with mine slowly.

I helped him up from the floor. I needed to get him out of there before principle come. I'm surprised they haven't showed up yet. But we needed to be quick about it. I tugged him down the hallways. I was slowly luring him away from his prey. The crowd was about to separate. I heard the whispers of assumingly today and next week's gossip.

"Go ahead Foster! Walk away with your bitch of the week!" I heard Ethan hiss. I steps took a pause. I turned around slowly to gaze down at the bastard. He slowly climbed his way off of the floor. He sported blood on his lip. And he looked almost proud that he got the last word in.

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