Chapter 39

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Adam's POV

I walked onto Kendall's porch. I was hesitant to ring the bell. Wondering if it's even a good idea. What if she doesn't answer the door or she doesn't even want to see me? My thoughts were cut short as I saw the door swung open.

I saw Kendall's brother at the door looking annoyed of my presence. I remember when Kendall use to give me that look. And she looked beautiful while doing it.

"May I ask why you're hanging by my porch like a complete creep?" Aiden asked curtly. He positioned himself so there was one hand on the door. He tapped his foot impatiently.


Aiden rolled his eyes and stared at his watch. "Are you always this articulate?"

I cleared my thoat and spoke up.
"I wanted to know if Kendall was home." I said it more like a question than a statement but something about Aiden just always throws me off guard.

"She's not here. Did you want me to take a message?" He asked sarcastically. Yep. Just like Kendall.

"No. I'll just come back later.." I said looking down at the ground.
I went to go turn away back to my car. Feeling like this was a big mistake.

"Wait." Aiden said.

I turned around back to Aiden. "Yeah?" I shoved my hands in my pockets.

"How much do you actually liked my sister?" He interrogated.

"Well..when I first met her she gave the same look that you have right now." Then all the sudden Aiden's face turns into an unreadable expression. I continued, "Her laugh is infectious and she's stubborn as hell but everytime I look at like getting feelings I have for her now all over again." I said softly. "Kendall is different from every girl I've ever known." I realized I had a smile on my face.

Aiden studied me for a second like he was trying to figure out what he should do. "Come in." He sighed. "There's something I need to show you.." Aiden said as if he was still debating on showing me or not. My face turned into a questioning look but reluctantly climbed on to the porch and walked inside.

"Come on I've haven't got all day." Aiden said halfway up the stairs. I took order and followed him up the stairs. Then he led me to a hallway and stopped at a door.

"What did you want to show me?" I asked looking at the door.

"Well it couldn't possibility be behind this door of course.." Aiden rolled his eyes and took a deep breath. "Kendall ran off right?"

I crossed my arms. "Yeah.."

"And you want her back correct?"

"Yes Aiden." I breathed still not sure what he's getting at.

"Well if I show you this it might solve both our problems," He sighed. Then he opened the door it creakes open slowly. "Go in." He ordered. I gave him a questioning look. "Just trust me." He said.

I gave him one last glance and walked in. The room was slightly cold and lifeless. Clothes were sprawled out the floor. A guitar was sitting on the bed with a layer of dust covering it. I glanced at a collage of photographs in a frame on the wall.

I walked up to the frame slowly I examined the pictures. There was pictures of Kendall and a guy I didn't reconize. I swiped my hand against the cold glass to get a better look. I took a better look at Kendall there was a certain light in her eyes whenever she was with this guy. Something that was irreplaceable.

"She was so happy back then." Aiden said sitting in a chair. "They were attached at the hip. Almost inseparable."

"Who is he?"

"That's Liam. Our brother." Aiden said with a hint of sorrow in his voice.

"Brother?" I asked. "I thought it was just-"

"I know what you thought. Kendall doesn't speak of him ever. When she does it's very rare." Aiden sighed.

"Well what happend?"

He leaned back in his chair. "Look to your left.." He said.

I looked to my left and saw a newspaper pinned down to a bulletin board. There was a picture of a car sprawled out on the road. It was crushed like crumpled paper. Glass was everywhere. Some of the rubber from the tire was in shreads. My heart instantly fell I began to read the large print.

On the night of friday April 16th, a crushed vehicle was found on the side of the highway. Law enforcement were instantly called to the scene.
Once authorities were called to inspect the accident, the police found no passengers or driver in the vehicle. The vehicle belongs to sixteen year old, Liam Evans.

Liam is a straight A student and loves his family. The family said he was "the glue" that held the family together. Liam was suppose to be coming home from a long weekend with his father but never came home.

The family and Authorities looked for any unidentified patients that were admitted into the hospital that day and following night. But unfortunately there wasn't a single trace of the beloved teen. Both parents are putting down a large sum for anyone who has any information on this tragic mystery. Come home Liam. Come home..

A picture of Liam and Kendall was on the next page. I stood there with something solid sitting in my chest. I ran a hand through my hair. Everything makes sense now. How Kendall was acting after we kissed in spin the bottle. She wasn't jealous she was pushing herself away. That was the reason why she ran off. Because she didn't want to get hurt.

"When Liam went missing it was like Kendall was lost right along with him. She locked herself in her room for a week. She didn't eat or sometimes sleep. When Kendall did come out of her room and she didn't speak for days. My mom tried taking her to therapy but she would just sit there. A year and half later and she's much better. She was almost back to normal but she'll never be that girl back then. If Liam was to walk in right wouldn't let her guard down. But then she met you."

I turn to look at Aiden I could see the sadness in his face. He no longer looks serious or annoyed. Just sad.

"Kendall does like you Adam. No matter how hard she hides it." He said softly. "If you go and get her. It will make you and I both happy." He explained.

"Thank you Aiden.." I said to him. Giving him a small smile. Aiden returned to his rough posture. His sadness long gone just that annoyed look in his face.

He crossed his arms stiffly. "Don't mention it. Just get out of my house."

Heyy guys thanks for reading and stay tuned for the next exciting chapter of The Bet! Haha jk. But seriously stay tuned.


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