Chapter 48

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I heard this annoying persistent sound ruining my sleep. I woke up in complete irritation. I huffed and snatched my phone from my night stand. I was muttering every cuss word in the alphabet.

"Hello!" I said in pissed off tone.

"Is that the way you greet your boyfriend?" I heard Adam's cocky tone.

"Right about now I'm wondering why I wanted a boyfriend at the moment." I said with a bite in my tone.

"I'm hurt Kendall..I'm really am. But for now we're going to be late for school." He said. I raised my eyebrows and looked at my time. It was six fifteen. My eyes widen as best they could.

"Adam..please tell me that isn't the right time."

"You might want to get ready babe because I'm on my way." Then he hung up. I groaned violently and threw down my phone.

I scrambled around and ran into my bathroom. I jumped into the tub and took a quick shower. I brushed my teeth at fast pace. I threw on jeans and a sweatshirt. I let my hair flow out leisurely. I flew downstairs like a bat out of hell.

"Aiden have you seen my backpack?" I shouted. Aiden walked downstairs with my backpack in his hands.

"It was in your room.." He smirked. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my keys.

" funny. I'm running late I'll see you at school." I said with an annoyed tone.

Then I heard Adam honk the horn.

"Look I've got to go I'll see you later!" I said as I threw the back pack over my shoulder.

"I ran out the door and the cold air shocked me a bit but I ignored the weather and ran to Adam's car and climbed in.

"Well someone was excited to see me." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "You're such an ass you know that?" I huffed.

"Would an ass buy you a coffee?" Adam held up a cup of iced coffee and gave it to me.

"I do remember you buying me coffee..what's so different?" I raised a skeptical eyebrow. He lifted up brown paper bag.

"I also brought you a muffin and an apple for later.." He shook the bag.

"What kind of muffin?" I asked.

"Chocolate chip. And it's a large one." Adam smiled. I smiled at him softly. If it wasn't so early in the relationship I would've said I loved him. I curled my finger to beckon him to come closer. Adam came closer to my face and I press my lips against his sweetly. He pulled away with a smirk.

"Am I still an ass?"

"Babe, you'll always be an ass. But right about now you're being a really great boyfriend." I pecked him on the lips. He rolled his eyes and pulled away. I gave him a quick wink and he just grinned as he began to back out of the drive way.


"Do you see what I see?" I asked skeptically as we walked up to the bulding.

"Are those my friends and your friends talking..together?" Adam tilted his head. As I got closer the crowd thd more confused I became. Once we walked up to the small crowd I could tell Adam looked just as confused as I did.

"Hey guys.." I said slowly.

They all said their greetings causally.

"What's going on.." Adam said with an uneven tone. Callie stepped up to the crowd with a wide grin on her face.

"Well all of us were thinking..if you guys are going to date. Why don't we all get to know each other?" Callie suggested.

"It was mostly perky polly's idea.." Jess said sarcastically. Callie giggled at the remark but I don't think it was meant to be a joke.

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