Chapter 66

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I stared at the off white
rectangular block wall. Thirty six. I counted them all there wasn't much to do. But it was difficult because of the thick grazingly rusted bars were blocking the view.

I glanced my cell. It was cold and humid. I could feel the dampness in the closterfobic space. If you can call it a space. All eight of us were cramped. Compacted like sardines in a container. A officer slept soundly at his desk. He snored quite loudly.

Callie crashed on Andrew's lap. He was busy playing with his harmonica. He played slowly and leisurely as Callie snoozed on his lap. He closed his eyes slipping into tune. Out of all of us he seemed to keep his happy self. Oddly enough.

Hayden was gaining an eye twitched from the whiny slow instrument. He snatched the harmonica so quick it was a blur. He slung it across the wall shattering it.

"Out of all the damn things these officers confiscate they don't take that stupid motherfucking harmonica!" He exploded. Andrew grumbled in his seat and crossed his arms.

Adam was sitting in a corner staring the ceiling fan outside of the cell. He doesn't even seem there. At least not mentally. He was anxious as if he was waiting for something to happen. I glanced over Mia. For the past four hours she's broken out into sobs and breakdowns. And by the looks of it, she was going to break out into sobs at any given moment.

Jess watched her carefully. She was quiet out of the most of us. Mostly bored of the whole situation. As if jail was more than an acquaintance.

Reagan was muttering. And pacing. Her usually pristine blonde hair was in a undeliberate messy poiny tail. Her deep blue eyes were fixed on the concrete ground as her sneakers shuffled against it. I assumed she would be the calmest of us all. Compared to her and Mia. Mia seems like the sane one. My eyes followed her movements cautiously.

"Well forget college. Forget my perfect record. I am now a criminal! I'll never get into Harvard now..or even a regular college without a pat down! Then I'll never get be a lawyer or get into congress!" She said in a rushed panic voice.

Everyone stared at Reagan as her sanity began to decrease. I watched her as she rambled about her future. I can't blame her for freaking out.

"Would you shut the fuck up?" Hayden groaned blunty.

"Hayden." Jess said thickly.

Reagan whipped her head around swiftly. "Excuse me?" She asked lowly.

"Did I stutter?"

"Don't take my future lightly just because you want to smoke and drink yours away! You may want to have sex with a couple of girls and have a good drink but what happens next? Oh that's right you don't have a fucking plan! You keep messing it up!" She yelled.

My eyes slightly widen. I've never seen Reagan so angry and rough. I bit down on my lip before glancing at Hayden. His jaw was clenched as he listened to her.

"You think you have it all together? You're pacing around this damn cell like a nervous parakeet with a severe twitch because you're worried about your barely ruined future." He crossed his arms boredly.

The frazzled girl's mouth was slightly opened.

"Listen, princess. You're gonna go to college. You're gonna go to Harvard and be a lawyer. You're gonna marry a Harvard man-your practical Cracker Jack- and squeeze out a couple of kids. Alright?" Hayden snapped. "You're going to live your boring practical life. Just like you planned. Okay sweetheart?"

Reagan just stared him down. Her jaw tightened and her eyes grew dark. It was a stormy color. Then there was a flash. Scratch that. It was a blur. And it was heading straight for Hayden.

Adam got out of his seat and took hold of the swinging Reagan. She was kicking her legs in mid-air. Jess took hold of her legs. Not all together sure when she lunged out of her seat.

"You're such an asshole!" She shrieked as she thrashed around in Adam's arms.

"Rae! Easy!" Adam said softly but firmly.

"Go ahead take your best shot!" Hayden taunted loudly.

"Hey! Quiet in there!" A nearby officer bellowed. After that things seem to simmer slowly. But didn't fully distinguish.

At this point I was afraid we would all be at eachother's throat. I looked over at Mia. Her eyes became like glass at all the commotion. She couldn't handle it all in one night. She was the fragile one of the group right now. I couldn't help but feel bad for her.

Hayden's hard eyes snapped to Mia. He shifted in his seat uncomfortably as he eyed her.

"Mia." He called to her thickly.

Her light blue eyes looked up to Hayden. Her lower lip was trembling. "Y-yeah?" She mumbled.

"Please don't cry again. I don't think I can take your fourteenth meltdown tonight." He said rather harshly but it was in a quiet tone. He said all the asshole worthy things but it came out patient. What a strange twist.

"I'm sorry I'll try to stop crying.." She said barely above a whisper. Hayden let out an exhausted sigh.

"Sit next to me." He ordered.

Mia slowly got out of her spot and scurried over to Hayden. I raised an eyebrow at him. He gave me a short glare. He let out a breath and wrapped his arms around the girl. She climbed into his lap which caught him off gaurd. But he didn't stop her. He said something lowly in her ear. Which made her laugh but somewhat cry at the same time. She encircled her arms around him as he held Mia. I tilted my head a bit because it was very unhayden like to be so comforting.

I leaned my head against the wall. I let my eyelids fall without haste. A cramp formed in my back and I was really tired. I didn't know when we would try to get out but I slightly prayed it would be soon.

I felt Adam's presence near me. The faint smell of his cologne stung my nose.

"Ken.." He said quietly.

"What Adam?" I said in a tired tone. I crossed my arms leisurely and let out a breath.

"I'm sorry I got you into this. I didn't mean for this to happen." He said. I could hear the guilt swirl in his words.

I opened my eyes and glanced at him. I kissed his cheek softly. "It's okay Adam. We'll get out of here." I squeezed his hand. He gave me a half smile. He tugged me closer to him and held me close to his body.

It's funny anywhere I am he makes it seem not so shitty. Even if it is a damp and cold cell.


The next morning, or I guess it was morning. I woke up in Adam's arms. I gazed at my surroundings.

Jess was asleep against the wall next to Reagan. Reagan seemed serene and peaceful for now. Who knows what she's going to be like when she wakes up.

Callie used Andrew as a bed. As his chest rose and fell so did her body. But the one thing that caught my attention the most was Hayden and Mia. She snuggled up close to him while his arm was possessively hanging around her.

I heard the cell doors creak open. The door moaned as it was opened for the first time. I snapped my attention towards the officer. A few of my inmates stirred in their spot.

"Alright rise and shine juniors! You've got someone to bail you out." A female officer said boredly. A few my friends began to wake up and look around with sleep glazing over their eyes.

Foot steps were distant in the hallway. But they grew louder and louder. My little brother appeared around the corner.

He looked highly annoyed with crossed arms. His light brown eyes gazed at all of us with slight irritation.

"Oh you guys so owe me.." Aiden said with a dry laugh.

Enjoy this chapter guys you deserve it.

Much love


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