Chapter 60

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"You've seen it here! The greatest dancers in the world right here in California! Big Rayray and Kenny-E!"

"Don't call me Kenny-E!" I pushed my best friend.

"Why not it's cool!"

"No way I sound like a rapper that works at MacDonalds part time!" I argued. "And I not calling you Big Rayray."

Raymond breaks into laughter as he was clutching his stomach.

"Hey what are you guys doing?" Liam said with a large smile. "Are you guys dancing? I want to join!"

Then Liam breaks out his worst dance moves in the world.

"No Liam stop! You're getting to close to-"

Then the video cuts and it's nothing but white noise. I laid in my bed staring at the screen. I closed my old computer with a shudder. Looking at vidoes and pictures tells you how much you changed as a person. I looked down at the computer and sighed. Then I heard tapping it became more continuous and deliberate.

I looked over at my window and walked up to it. I gazed out of the clear glass to see Adam staring up at me. I rolled my eyes and open the window. I waved him in and got in my bed.

I gazed at my old computer. I quickly put it in one of the drawers just before Adam climbed in my room.

Perfect timing.

"Do you always have to climb inside my window to come in my room? We have a door you know."

"Yeah but what fun is that?" Adam asked with a smirk.

"Not the clichè bad boy type of fun." I muttered.

"What was that?"

"Nothing dear." I rolled my eyes.

"Did you call me a clichè bad boy?"

I sighed. "Yes I did. You throw rocks at my window and climb in like you're Spider-Man. And you have a lip piercing and a smirk."

Adam stayed quiet and sat at the foot of my bed. He stared at me for a second.

"Adam?" I asked slowly.

"What's wrong?" He smirked with a slight tilt of his head.

"Why are you-" I let out a scream when Adam grabbed my legs roughly and tugged them closer to him making me lay on my back.

He crept over close to me with mischievous eyes. "Take it back." Adam saids quietly. I shook my head and laughed.

"I'm not taking it back."

"You're going to want to take that back.." He said lowly coming closer to me. We were face to face and I could see a perfect view of his eyes. My mind dulled for a second. It was almost hypnotizing making me lose focus.

"Who saids.." I smirked quietly. He chuckled slightly. Adam kissed my cheek then the corner of my mouth slowly. His lips grazed mine slightly.

"Take it back Kendall." He whispered. He leaned in a little closer. I closed my eyes but that asshole kissed my chin. My eyes opened quickly when I saw a smirk on Adam's face. I glared slightly at him.

"Don't tease me Foster." I said lowly.

"I won't have to unless you take it back." Adam coaxed. He got closer to my lips again. Making a small ball of nerves in my stomach.

"I'll.." I said trailed off. His lips got closer to mine they were almost touching.

"Mhm." Adam hummed quietly.

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