Chapter 20

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The next day rolled around and I was getting ready for the "Sleepover." I just threw a few things I needed in a bag and called it a day.

They're was a light knock at my door. "Come in." I called.

Adien was leaning on my door frame. "Hey, sis."

"What's up smart ass." I smiled.

"I could ask you the same about you." He raised an eyebrow at me. People say that Aiden and I have the same characteristics. The snarky ass attitude, the way we have come backs on the spot, then he's really smart but I think he's inherited that on his own.

"I'm going to Adam's sleepover."

"Don't have too much fun."
Then all the sudden he leaves closing the door behind him. I shake my head and laugh. I finished my packing and headed for Adam's house.

I heard my phone ring and I saw Samuels face come up on my phone. I smiled slightly at my phone then answered it. "Hey Sam." I smiled.

"Well hello there.. Someone must've eat their happy flakes this morning."

"What are you talking about?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Someone's making you happy these days..what his name?" He asked.

"No one! It's just me." I replied.

"Mhm. Sure. Well I wanted to tell you that I'm opening up the shop on Monday and were going to be slammed next week."

"Okay I'll there on Monday."

"Alright hun I gotta go."

"Okay Sam. Bye." Then I hanged up.

On my drive to Adam's house Aiden's and Sam's words stuck with me. When I got there and parked my car. I frozed with my hands on the wheel my eyes widen.

"So he's the reason why you been so happy these couple of weeks.." Aiden smirks.

"Someone's making you happy these days..what his name?" Sam asked.

Then I finally understood people think that Adam is changing me.

I shook off the feeling and got out the car. Of course he can't change me. Not one can no without my say so.

I rang the door bell and a tall guy when light green eyes and black hair with gauges. He was beautiful but I guess he probably already knows that.

"You must be Kendall," He said in a husky voice.

"Yeah that'll be me," I gave him a half smile.

He gave me this smile that would've probably make god cry of happiness. "I'm Andrew but you can call me Andy." He winked. "Come in. Adam will be out shortly I guess."

A guy and girl were sitting on the couch watching tv. The girl had dark blue hair she looked like one of those types of girls not to mess with. She had somewhat tan skin and brown eyes. she wears light make up but looked pretty all the same.

Sitting next to her was a guy with chestnut brown hair. He was really cute why are all of the guys so damn attractive? He was wearing a lip pericing with gauges also.

He looked like a person you really didnt want to piss off.

"Guys!" Andrew said lightly.

They turn their attention towards me and Andrew. "This is Kendall. Now you guys try to play nice while I go get Adam."

"I'm Jess and this is Hayden." Jess introduced.

"Hey." Hayden said. He looked up at me from his phone. he had the beautiful hazel eyes I've ever seen.

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