Chapter 62

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I felt someone's fingers glide up and down my face. I open my eyes and Adam was staring at me tracing my face delicately. "Hey." He smiled. I will never grow tired of Adam's smile. I don't see them that often there mostly smirks or cocky ass smiles.

But these types of rare smiles are genuine and real. I would give anything to see him smile like that all the time. But I know sometimes he has his bad days where his family brings him down. Even though I don't know everything. I was the same way but he broke down my walls. He has much stronger walls than mine. I would do anything for him not to be upset like that again. I am his missing piece and he is mine.

"Hey." I grinned. He has his arm wrapped around my waist holding me close. I was wearing nothing but Adam's shirt it stopped down from my mid thigh and everything else showed. He traced my collarbone and up to my shoulders.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"12:33" he smirked. My eyes grew wide I can't believe we slept that long.

"Are you serious!" I groaned.

"Well we did go two rounds last night.." I rolled my eyes at him but I grinned all the same.
"Oops." I laughed lightly.

"You look sexy in my shirt." I smiled and bite down on my lip.

"Thanks. I think I might keep it." He rolled his eyes.

"Lucky for me I have an undershirt." Adam mumbled. He looked down and kept staring.

He sat up and ran his hand through his hair."I have to get going I got to meet my dad." He put on his pants and slipped on his undershirt. I watched him get ready to leave. He turned around and saw me staring at him and winked. I bit down on my lip and looked away. I glanced at him again and he strolled was up to me. "I got to go." He frowned. I sat up on my bed pulled his shirt towards me. "I'm going to miss you." He grinned.

"Have we turned into that couple?" I snorted. He gave me a playful glare and laughed.

"Just shut up and kiss me." He commanded.

"Don't have to tell me twice." I mumbled. Adam's lips crushed against mine giving me weird feelings in my stomach. I pulled him down slowly onto the bed. I was stalling so he wouldn't leave. I bit his lip gently he let out a groan and grabbed me close. Adam sucked on my collarbone I wanted keep him here with me. Even if that means turning him on. He pulled away and smirked.
"Are you trying to seduce me?"
"Maybe.." I shrugged.
I sucked urgently on his skin. "What are you doing Ken?" I didn't answer him I pulled away from him and smirked.

"What was that for?" He asked.

"So when you leave girls will know that you're taken." I said proudly.

"Why don't you just put a stamp on my forehead that saids taken?" He asked sarcastically.

"I think I might just do that." I smiled.
He kissed my lips "I got to go babe."

"Okay I'll walk you out." I quickly got up and went up to my drawer. I opened it and grabbed some jersey shorts. I turned around and Adam was staring at my ass and biting his lip. "What are you thinking about?" I smirked.

"Last night." He smiled. I grinned and rolled my eyes.

"Come on.." I grabbed his hand and walked downstairs. I walked Adam out to his car. The bright sun warmed my face. So this is what it's like to come out side.

"I'll see you in a few hours okay?" Adam kissed my cheek and climbed in his car.

"Bye." Then I watched him drive off. I sighed and I pulled out my phone and dailed a number. I heard the phone ring for a few seconds I heard the line pick up.

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