Chapter 54

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"We were supposed to be celebrating remember!" Aiden said over the phone. I could tell he was pissed at me. I winced a bit as I positioned the phone.

"Look Aiden..I know. I don't usually bail like this but I just need a second."

"Alright.....can you come home now?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes. He's such an ass sometimes. I tapped my fingernails on the table and sighed.

"Aiden I'm not in the best mood right now. And us celebrating wouldn't seem right if I was just going to be a downer." I explained.

"Oh okay so you're trying to tell me that you being with Adam is going to make your mood better but being with your brother doesn't?" Aiden interrogated over the phone.

"Look my friend almost got raped today! I needed to get away! I don't ask for much! Now we will do something tommorow! I promise! And when I promise something I don't never break that promise. Ever." I snapped at him. It grows quiet for a second. I shifted my jaw a bit ready for the next snarky comeback.

"Glad to know you rather have an escape with someone else than your own sibling," Then the line went dead. I bit down on my bottom lip softly. I felt something set in the pit of my stomach. That was guilt. When I needed someone to talk to it was Aiden. But now things have changed.

My throat was a little raw from yelling. I walked out of Adam's room and walked many flights of steps to the movie room. Which was no walk in the park by any means. But it gave me time to think. Maybe I should've stayed with Aiden. I should've just pushed my feelings aside for the day and celebrated with Aiden. Then something inside of me made my insides harden. I'm not going let him make me feel bad about this. I'm only human. I can't be at two places at once. I ran my hand through my hair then walked into the movie room. Pillows were tossed all over the place, blankets and sheets were spread out onto the floor. I sat down on the floor and covered myself in a thick blanket.

"I guess you couldn't wait for me?" I heard a voice coming out of the corner. I turned my attention to the voice and Adam was leaning against the doorframe slightly smirking. He shoved his hands in baggy sweatpants that hung low. He wasn't wearing a shirt making my eyes focus on his wonderfully sculpted torso.


"What!" I snapped out of my trance.

Adam chuckled at me. "I said what movie do you want to watch." He repeated.

" anything is good." I said as I played with my brown locks. I cleared my throat a bit.

"You alright?" He asked.

"Yeah my throat sort of hurts that's all."

"Addy!" I heard a small voice call.

I saw Bebe first then I heard small tapping of footsteps come not so far behind. Her hair was once again a mess of dark brown hair and her sapphire blue eyes sparkled with excitement and amusement. Just like her brother's.

"Lucy, what are you doing here I thought you and Gracey were having a sleepover tonight?" Adam sighed as he turned to look down at her. It was sort of intriguing of how much they look the same. She looked a lot like Adam. But in a girlier and happier kind of way it brought a small smile to my face.

"We were..but something came up and she had to leave." She answered with a shrug. "Why is it so dark in here?" Then she clicked on the light.

"Lucy!" Adam complained.

Bebe walked over to me and laid on my lap. I scratched the back of her ears making her foot move at a fast pace.

Lucy turned to me with a smile. "Hi Kendall!" She waved.

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