Chapter 14

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(👆👆Elliott is above👆👆)

I was laying down in bed reading a book. I don't usually read because I never have any real free time. Juggling friends, high school, a job, and a bet can never leave any free time. Samuel's been in recovery for awhile so we had to close up shop for awhile. Apparently the boy that bit him almost popped a vein.
You gotta love kids.

Wendy the other photographer is still on her honey moon for the next two weeks. So I'm left with a gap in my free time. I was going to relax myself and actually get a few chapters done. I sat there engrossed in my book for about fourty five minutes. I turn my attention to my phone that was vibrating. Adam's face popped up on my screen. He hacked into my phone a couple of days ago so now I have him with a goofy ass face on my screen. I laughed at the screen and accepted the call.


"Hey gorgeous." He said lazily. That nickname has been sticking lately.

"What's up?"

"I was thinking we could hang out at my place today. I've got nothing to do so annoying you is my best option." I could feel that damn smirk over the phone. Adam and I have been hanging out for two weeks. We've been skating, going to the movies, hanging out at home, hanging out at the mall, You name it we've done it. But I've never gone to Adam's house.

"Sure why not. Text me your address and I'll be there in a hour."

"Okay later."


Well that free time was short lived. I peeled myself from my book and got out of my beloved bed. I threw on a grey crop top that stopped at my ribcages. White Vans and black leggings. I wrapped a white plaid tee shirt around my waist. I brush out my hair then I bended over then flipped my hair back quickly.

I parted a section of my hair to one side. When you have my type of hair you just don't give a shit anymore. It was super long and thick so it was an exercise just brushing it. I drew on some eyeliner and mascara. Finally I put on by little Ecos egg lip balm. I have a strong attraction to anything mint so my lip balm was mint scented.

I scrunched my hair up a little. I own a lot of dark clothing I don't have any with pink, yellow, green, or light blue. I have a rebellious look Callie absolutely hates my wardrobe. We are total opposites she's light and bubbly and I'm laid back and calm. There use to be a time where I was bubbly but I was still laid back but to an extent. I guess as you get older you changed and I have.

I took a look at myself in the mirror. For once I don't look that hideous. I grabbed my leather jacket just in case and my sunglasses.

I grabbed my keys and walked out of the house. I checked my phone and Adam sent me his address. I got in my car and started up the GPS. It was only ten minutes away so it wasn't that long of a drive. But as I went deeper into his neighbourhood the houses got more bigger and fancier. I stopped at Adam's address on the outside his house fucking was huge.

Cue the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme song.

I looked at my phone again just to check if I got the right house. I got my car and walked up the stairs and rang the fancy bell. It echoed through the house. A minute later Adam opens the door.
Shirtless. There's only one word that can that come to mind when I saw him shirtless. Damn. His whole upper body had to be sculpted by Greek Gods because his whole torso was a masterpiece. No matter what I was focused on Adam's chest.

"Hey gorgeous."

"Hi.." I was still staring at his chest. Is this how guys feel when they stare at boobs?

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