Chapter 22

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(👆👆Hayden is above👆👆)
I walked out of kitchen and Andrew, Jess, Hayden, and Kirsten were sitting on the floor with a bottle on the floor.

Jess patted the spot next to her motioning to sit next to her. I nodded and squatted down next to her.

"You nervous?"

"No why would I?

"Because you're eating your lip for dinner." She answered bluntly.

I noticed that I was biting my lip and instantly stopped.


"Have you ever played spin the bottle?"

"Yeah plenty of times." I nodded.

"I think Adam has been waiting for this for about a week."

"Really why is that?"

"Well you're a challenge to him you're difficult. That's why he's crazy about you."

I looked at her and she was wearing a serious face like it was a fact.

Then Adam walked out of the kitchen. He squatted down next to me. He elbowed me and I elbowed him back. Then it became in all out elbow war.

"If you guys are done now we like to get back to the game."Kirsten huffs.

I hit Adam one hard blow to the stomach with my elbow. He gasped and doubled over. He groaned and he looked at me. "You're going to pay for that." He breathed a laugh.

"You have to get up first." I smirked.

He got back his breath and sat up. Kirsten rolls her eyes spins the bottle my eyes follow the bottle's direction.

Then it slowly comes to a stop in Adam's direction. Her eyes were engulfed with giddiness. She practically lunged for him. She grabbed the collar of his shirt and basically ate his face. Hayden was radiating anger because he couldn't find his beloved air horn. "Where is that damn air horn?" He mutters.

Jess looks bored of them. Finally Kirsten pulls back. She breathes heavily and acted like she just had sex. Ugh. "Are you done?" Jess asks.

"Barely." Kirsten said with lust drinking her voice. Then she squatted back in her spot.

Hayden took the glass bottle and spun it around. I watched as the glass spins around continuously. It stops and lands on Kirsten.

"Haha nope!" Hayden said quickly. Then he spun it around again. "Wait that's cheating!"Kirsten pouted.

"You do it all the time so you shouldn't be unfamiliar.."

I laughed out loud but covered my mouth from instinct. Kirsten shoots me a glare.

When the bottle stops spinning it lands on Jess. They look up at each other and shrugged. They leaned in and kissed each other briefly and acted like nothing happened.

"See Kendall if I can kiss Hayden then you can kiss Adam with no problem." She whispered in my ear. I guess she's right I mean it's just game.

Then it was Jess' turn she spun the glass bottle and it landed on Andrew. She pecked him on the lips.

"That wasn't painful at all!" Andrew teased.

Jess gives him a glare. "Okay Kendall it's your turn."

I touch my hand on the cold glass bottle. I spun it hesitantly and spun around which seemed like forever. Then it slowly spun in Hayden's direction.

I sighed in relief and leaned over and kissed Hayden. He kissed me back briefly which I was totally okay with. I pulled away and smiled. I'm just glad it wasn't Adam.

"Someone is a bit eager.." Hayden laughed. He was grinning like a idiot.

"Sorry.." I smiled.

"Don't worry about it.." he was still grinning.

"Okay Adam your turn." Jess announced.

Adam looked beyond pissed. He was clenching his jaw. It seemed like he didn't hear Jess.

I touched his arm "Your turn."
His eyes soften a little when he looked at me.

What's his problem?

He took the glass bottle and spun it around. The bottle spun around frantically fast. I looked up at Hayden and gave him a questioning look he just shrugged. Then it slowly came to a stop and landed on me.

Life is just lovin' on me today.

I gave him a shrug and leaned in. Adam didn't hesitant at all. He  collided his lips with mine quickly. He wrapped his arms around my waist like he's been waiting for this since forever. His lips were incredibly soft. Can lips be this soft? Our lips were in sync somehow. There was this tiny chills running through every limb in my body. I wrapped my arms around his neck and gripped his hair. Everything was in a blur and a haze. Adam licked my bottom lip for permission. I cracked my lips open and let Adam explore my mouth. But then I realized that I was playing spin the bottle and pulled away first I opened my eyes and everyone was looking at us. Hayden was smirking, Jess was giving me a look that said I told you so, Andrew was smiling proudly, Kirsten glared at us like she just met the devil.

Adam was grinning like a bigger idiot than Hayden was but he's trying to hide it.

"Hey Adam you okay?" Jess nudged him. He was in some kind of happy daze.

"Adam...Adam!" Jess shouts.

He blinks. "Hm?" He hums. He looks in her direction.

"Come with me.." she demands she motions him into the kitchen.

I felt a small smile on my face thinking about it.

No. No. No. No. No!

No feelings.

It was just a kiss.
I need to distance myself from Adam.

Hey guys so this chapter was pretty huge milestone in the book. And Kendall is probably catching feelings..I guess she has hormones after all.

Much love 💕


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