Chapter 67

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Aiden was our saving grace. No one asked any questions. The eight of us were just glad we were out of the tight cell. It made us different.

The bright light glared at me before I had the chance to react. We all sat in the waiting area in sharp silence. But it was brief. Reagan's mother pulled up in-front of the police station. Reagan's face turned a sickly pale. Anyone could tell she was in for a large punishment. But I think Reagan will punish herself more than anything. 

"I've got to go." She barely muttered. She looked like she could burst into tears again. She kept her head high and walked out the station. Clutching onto the last strand of dignity she held close to her.

I see Aiden made some calls.

Which only pressed the few lingering questions I had in my head. Soon all of my friends disappeared. Jess left with Andrew assumingly giving him a ride home. Callie's mother came to the front of the station. It was almost like they were ashamed of even step into such a place. Then Mia's father pulled up into his vehicle. "I'll see you at school." She whispered. We all knew phones weren't going to be of access anymore.

She practically ran to the exit.

That left Hayden, Adam, Aiden and I.

"I'm going to go." Hayden left off a breath. He zipped up his coat. "The next time we have a sleepover let's have it not be in a jail cell." He smirked. Of course he would find this amusing. I didn't have the strength to roll my eyes so I just pressed him a look. Then he slipped out of the station. Only god knows where he was going.

I felt sores creep and envelope my body. My eyes sagged from the sleepless night in the cell. Every sound I heard I would stand at attention. The whole place made me restless and the complete opposite of relaxed. I switched my gaze to Aiden who was leaning against a wall.

"How did you do it?" Adam broke the silence in half. He looked over to Aiden who was suddenly on the nervous side. He glanced at me for a moment then back at him.

"Where did you even get the money to bail all of us out?" I raised a brow before leaning forward in my seat. "And I know you didn't walk here." My head was shifted into a slight tilt.

There was only one explanation for all of this. I would like to think he had a couple thousand dollars laying in a piggy bank. But anyone with a brain knew that wasn't the case.
An unrecognizable emotion was set and ready into my chest.

"Aiden." I call out to him. But it was more like a demand and a threat. My brother's eyes were set to fear. I could tell I was squeezing him.

"I called mom." He muttered quickly. He was scraping all over the station wall. Anywhere, but at me.

"Damn it Aiden!" My voice thundered softly. I don't need my mother fix my problems. If anything I have been the one taking care of her problems. I've been doing just fine without her. I didn't need her then and I sure as hell do not need her now.

"What did you expect me to do? She could bail you guys out and she's a lawyer. It would be stupid not to call her." He said as if he trying to build a good argument to shield my irritation. But he was failing.

Then she walked in. Her heels clapped against the cheap tiles of the waiting room floor. She wore a crisp pant suit with a designer purse hanging from her arm. Her dark hair was brushed and fell to her shoulders. Her pace was brisk and held alert attention. She always looked so sophisticated and put together. As if nothing could possibly break her down. Such a large contradiction to her true colors.

I glanced over to see Adam in a chair next me. I was trying to remember when he got there. He held my hand gently and squeezed it firmly. "Relax." He whispered in a soft warning.

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