Chapter 17

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(👆👆Lucy is above👆👆)

Ever since yesterday I haven't heard the end of it from Reagan she's been beating herself up about it. I told her it wasn't her fault but she refuses to believe it. I didn't see Adam all day. I walked out of school with my bookbag hanging behind me. I pulled out my phone and texted Adam.

Me: Where were you today?

Adam: Kendall I was only gone a day..I guess someone missed me.

I rolled my eyes god he's such an ass.

Me: I was only wondering where you were today you didn't show up to pick me up you ass.

The next thing I knew I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around me. I knew it was Adam because of his cologne. "Right behind you gorgeous.." he whispered. I turned around and Adam was wearing a white v neck tee shirt and a beanie with blue jeans. He was smirking at me. As per usual.

"Why didn't show up to school?"

"I skipped. I didn't feel like going," He shrugged. I looked from afar and my friends were walking up to Callie's jeep. Oh shit I almost forgot.

"I gotta get going I'll text you later," I smiled mischievously. I snatched Adam's black beanie off his head and took off running towards Callie's car. My friends saw me coming and Adam was running right behind me. "Kendall!" He shouted. I laughed and sprinted faster. I ran up to Callie's jeep and I ran on the other side of the jeep. But Adam snatched me up like usual. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I'll take that," Adam laughed and snatched the beanie out of my hands.

"You're no fun," I whined. Adam rolled his eyes and handed me his black beanie. "Thanks Adam." I hummed sweetly.

"Just get your ass in the jeep."

I laughed and turned around. Callie, Reagan, Mia were staring at us.

"Hey you guys met Adam right?" I asked. They nodded at the same time.

"Hey guys." Adam said causally.
He winked at Mia. Mia turned a brightest shade of red she practically a red stop light.

"She's off limits so back off," I elbowed him hard and he grunted.

"I'll see you good." Adam whispered in my ear.

"Whatever," I murmured.

He walked away and flashed a charming smiled at my friends. My friends were almost bursting at the seams. "Watch it Foster!" I called.

"Don't be jealous Kendall." Adam called back. He turned is head back at me I stuck my tongue out at him and he exchanged the same expression. When he was out of ear shot the girls squealed and giggled. I jumped at the sudden sound.

"He winked at me!" Mia squealed.

Callie giggled. "He smiled at me!"

"No he smiled at me!" Reagan shouted.

"No me!!" Callie shouted back.
The girls were about to brawl about who Adam smiled at.
This completely insane.

"YO!!!" I shouted. They turned their attention to me. "You people are going bat shit crazy over a guy!! Calm the fuck down!"

"Oh sorry Kendall we forgot he was yours." Callie teased. My jaw dropped. You've got to be fucking kidding me.

"Yeah Ken..we didn't know you wanted him all to yourself." Reagan taunted.

" guys are on some serious drugs." I got in the car and plopped in the seat. Everyone else got in the car and looked at me.


"You guys would make a good couple.." Reagan pointed out.

"Yeah..not going to happen."

"Why not? you guys are practically meant to be." Mia smiles.

"Because he doesn't date. And I don't like him like that he still has two weeks anyways."

"You don't know that Kendall." Reagan pointed out.

I shrugged it off its something I can't argue right now. Callie started her car and we were on our way to the mall.



"Come on Kendall stop being so picky!" Reagan scolded me.

"I'm sorry I'm just not a shopping type!"

Callie groaned. "I'm not going to take you on anymore shopping trips."

"Do you promise?" I asked sweetly. She shot me a glare and I smiled at her.

Mia rolled her eyes. "Come with me.." She took my hand and we went over to a different section. She files through the hangers and then lifts a dress up and smiles.

"Put this dress on." She hands it to me. She pushes me in a dressing room. That hoe.

I take a look at the dress it a two piece light baby blue dress the top has sweetheart neckline. The skirt flared out at the bottom. Simple but cute. I slipped on the dress and it seemed to fit me perfectly. It gave me cleavage and made my butt look a little bigger.

I like it.

I walked out and my friends squealed at me. " have legs." Callie laughed. I rolled my eyes.

"Do you like it?" Mia asked excitedly. I saw all their faces they were all hesitanting. I looked at myself in the mirror I actually look descent.

"Yeah I like it." I grumbled.

They all clapped their hands and cheered like they were on Say Yes to the Dress. I rolled my eyes and went back in the dressing room. I peeled off the dress and folded it neatly. The dressing room and went up to the counter to pay for it. Mia was the last one to pay for her dress. We walked out of the store and we went to go sit down and order Chinese food.

"Okay so now that the dresses are out the way. We were going to need a photographer for homecoming. Kendall would you be able to do it?" Reagan asked.

I looked up from my plate "No."

"Why not?" Reagan whined.

"Because you made me buy a dress and go to this thing. I'm not going to be working all the same night. I can see if I can get Samuel to do it."

Reagan smiled at me "Thanks Ken." I ignored her and ate my noodles.

"Is Adam taking you to homecoming?" Mia purred.

"Umm..yeah that's when the bet will end."

"What!" They said all together. I looked up at them with a skeptical look.

"How long did you guys think the bet is going to last?" I laughed.

They all shrugged with disappointing faces they poked at their food.

The bet was going to end in two weeks. I'm not really that close to liking Adam. Yeah he's attractive, funny, charming,and loves his little sister. But there's something missing and I don't know what it is.

Hey guys thank you so for reading.

Much love💕

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