Chapter 35

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"At least try to catch up!" I teased. I was racing away on my bike at what seemed like for me a thousand miles per hour. I felt the autumn air tangle through my hair.

The red-ish yellow leaves scattered in different directions as I zipped through downtown.

"If I try catching up with you I would be breaking the speed limit!" Liam shouted from behind me. I looked back at my brother as he struggled to catch up. I laughed and slowly put my bike to a halt.

I few moments later, Liam parked his bike next to mine. Out of breath and sweat sticking to his for head. "What are trying to do kill me!" He panted.

"If I killed you I would have to use my hands," I winked.

"When we get our permit next month I sure as hell not going set foot in the car!"

I chuckled a little and I looked to straight ahead. I was instantly mesmerized by the little photography place that opened up about a month ago. Picture Perfect. It was the only desent place around here.

"Go in there." Liam said suddenly. He was gripping on to his handles focusing on the buliding.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Go in there and ask for job." Liam reapted slowly.

"I can't do that!" I said like he was crazy.

"Why not? What the point in living when you're just existing and not taking chances?"

I gripped on my handles and stared down the ground. I chewed on my lip. I couldn't find a solid reason why I shouldn't.

"Okay I'll go." I nodded. I climbed off my bike. "Watch my bike." I commanded. I started walking near the street. I looked both ways and started walking across the street. "Go get em' Kenny!" I hear Liam shout from behind me. I cringed as I saw people staring me. Why does he have to draw so much attention?

I made my way up to the door and gripped the slightly cold handle. I took a deep breath and got rid of any jitters I had.

No regrets right?

I walked in a bell chimed letting someone know that I walked. A gentle warmness swirled around me preventing the cool autumn air to come in. Cushioned chairs were lined up against the walls. Sample photographs were hung around the room. I was analyzing the smiling faces. The walls were painted a deep wine color which gave the room a dark feeling.

"If you're looking for a bathroom it's down the hall." A man said thick accent. His eyes never look at up from his phone. A strand of his dark brown hair fell to eyes.

"Actually..I'm not looking for a bathroom." I spoke up.

The man moved away from me and went to grab some papers from the desk. "Do have an appointment?" He asked half amused.


"Then there's nothing I can do for you. Have a nice day." The man still haven't made any eye contact that I was even there. The man turned away from me and went into another room. I surprisingly followed him.

"I wanted a job!" I blurted out.

"How old are you like nine?"

"I'm fifteen!"

"Sorry can't help you."

He didn't even turn to face me. Then he walked away. My feet follows his direction into what seemed like a kitchen. I saw him pouring coffee and busying himself.

"Why not!"

The man huffed and turned around. He looked straight into my eyes. It was almost chilling.

"Do you have any references?"


"Do you have any experience in the photography business?"

I looked down. "No." I said quietly.

"Well then that's all I need to know. Thank you very much for your time."

Then I notice a clashing of curtains open suddenly. A woman stepped out looking absolutely flawless. Long fiery red hair and bright forest green eyes. Delicate pale skin worked well with her prominate cheek bones. Her figure was a hourglass shape and had curves in all the right places. She's looks so vibrate compared to me, my looks seem so dull. I almost envied her looks.

"Sam get the girl a job!" The beautiful woman said. She put her hands on her hips and stared him down.

"Where the hell is the sugar?" Sam muttered searching for his beloved sugar.

"Samuel what's wrong having a little extra help around here?" She urged again.

"Because Wendy we can't have minors around here."

"It's called working minimum hours. Fifteen to twenty hours a week!" The woman glared. I stood there focusing on the kitchen title. "How bad do you want to work here?"

I snapped my head up quickly as I saw the woman fix her eyes on me."More than I can say." I said quietly.

"How badly do you want to be a photographer?"

"I don't think I've wanted anything more in my life. I won't just be achieving my goal to become photographer but I will be making others happy as well." I said absent mindlessly.

The woman's gaze held for awhile.
I felt a little bit uncomfortable but I got the courage to look her straight into her green eyes. A charming smile whipped across her face.

"She's to do great things Sam. I feel it. If you let her loose you'll regret it." Her gaze came back to Sam. She crossed her arms and sat down leisurely.

"Fine!" Sam snapped.

My whole mood brightened. I feel like I won a marathon. "Really?" I asked a little bit above a whisper.

"You start tomorrow. After school until six. You'll be cleaning and organizing. Thats it. Don't be late."

The woman squealed and hugged me like manic. My hands were by my side's because she was holding me so tight. I feel my heart and my ribcage crush together. Sam rolled his eyes and left the kitchen. She pulled away from me. "I never did catch your name!" She said quickly.

"Kendall." I smiled a little.

"Kendall..I love it." She giggled.


I walked back down the street and I saw Liam chewing on a candy bar. "Did you get the job?" He said with a mouthful of chocolate.

"I got the job!" I squealed. My brother stood up and dropped his candy bar.

"You got the job!" He laughed.

"I got the job!" I reapted. Liam attacked me in hug. I buried my face in his chest. Feeling that dark and warm feeling anytime he hugs me. Liam squeezed my body which made me grunt a little.

"God that's great Kendall." he said quietly.

"I know."

This is only the beginning.

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