Chapter 36

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Adam's POV

I pulled into a big yellow house with white shutters. I don't think I've seen so much yellow in my life. I put my car park and leaned back in my seat. I ran a hand through my hair and sighed. I pulled out my phone and turned it on. A picture of me and Kendall where I'm kissing her cheek and she's looking down smiling softly.

I felt that familiar slightly painful weight in my chest every time I think about her. I've miss her like crazy and there's nothing I can do about it. I have no clue how this girl made my heart do a somersault every time she smiled or laughed. I kind of hated it I felt like my feelings were betraying a little. But when I look at Kendall she makes it all worth it. I pulled away from my thoughts and I realized I was smiling. I pursed my lips and got out the car.

I walked along the pristine sidewalk. I strolled up to the door and rung the door bell. Mia swung opened the door with a huge smile on her face.

"HE'S HERE!" Mia screamed. I flinched a little at the sudden action but then I heard mini stampede coming my way. I could've sworn I felt the porch shake a little bit. Then squeals came from the upstairs. Callie and Reagan came trampling down the steps. They ran up to me snatched me inside.

"Come on! Come on! We have to get you a hair cut and put you in this tux by tonight." Callie ordered. They pushed me up the steps forcefully.

"What's the rush?" I chuckled.

"We've got three days until homecoming and Kendall is going to be here in two days!" Mia rushed.

"Mia!" They both said in unison. They gave her a death glare while Mia covered her mouth quickly.

"You weren't suppose to say anything!" Reagan glared.

"Sorry.." Mia's blue eyes looked saddened. She looked down and focused on the floor. Reagan and Callie focused on me. I slightly clenched my jaw.

"When were you guys going to tell me?" I asked.

Callie looked down a little but Reagan kept her eyes on me.

"We were going to tell you later on tonight. You know she had to come back sometime. We weren't even suppose to tell you that Kendall left. Let alone keeping this plan under wraps." She explain.

They were putting their friendship on the line to help me. I get that. "Okay let's get this done."

Reagan and Callie let out mini squeals. I smiled a little at their excitement.

"Okay let's go!" Callie ordered. She took me my hand and dragged me to assumingly Mia's room. There was only one word to sum up Mia'a room. Pink. There wasn't any object that was in that room that wasn't pink. It almost gave me a headache. Reagan sits down on a beanbag chair and Mia sits on a plush life sized teddy bear.

"Alright sit down." Callie forced me down to a chair. For someone who is on the petite side she sure is strong. She turned away from me and grabbed some scissors off the dresser.

She snapped them closed and together making me wince. "Just relax.."


"You're not looking in the mirror are you!" Reagan yelled against the door.

"For the hundredth time no!" I yelled back.

"Good we want you to be surpised!" She mentioned.

I straighten my bow the best I could. I opened the bathroom door I stroll into the hallway and turn the corner. I see Reagan and Callie sitting on the floor assumingly waiting for me. Callie is chewing on her tumbnail anxiously.

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