Chapter 26

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I woke up with the sun in my eyes. A hangover came my way I felt like Quasimodo was ringing bells in my head. I realized I was wearing Adam's shirt. I can smell his body wash on it. I sat up and looked around the unfamiliar room it was a dark blue on the walls. Posters and pictures everywhere. I was in Adam's room. I glanced over to see Adam was sleeping next to me. Everything from last night floated back to me without haste.

I watch him for a few moments. I don't know how I got into this. His bedroom. This bet.

I feel myself cracking and I don't want to. If you're alone there's no way anyone can hurt you. And now here I am sitting in Adam Foster's bed. I didn't want this I don't want to feel myself cracking because of one guy.

What did you do to me?

Why am I feeling this

Adam's eyes lifted revealing his sea blue eyes and I was gazing at him. He smirked at me. "Hey gorgeous." He said with sleep in his drowning voice. God that's sexy. I mentally scold myself for thinking that.

"Hey." I said softly.

"Are you okay?" He asked. His eyes were laced with profound concern. He sits up in the bed and runs his hand through his hair.

"Yeah." I ran fingers through my hair which is quite an exercise.

"Kendall look at me," He requested softly.

I looked at him but in the eyes. Never in the eyes. "Yeah?"

He scooped me up effortlessly and sat me down across from him. "Kendall what's wrong?"

I looked down to at my lap but Adam lifted my chin so our eyes can meet.
Damn him and those eyes.


"Kendall I know something's wrong. Why won't you tell me?"

"It's nothing Adam I'm fine everything is fine." I snapped sharply.

"Stop it."

"Stop what!"

"Stop putting up walls. Stop trying to distance yourself away from me! Stop acting like you don't care for me when I know you do!" He yelled. He grabbed my face in his hands gently. It made my breath hitch at the sudden contact. It made my temperature raise all over. "Just stop." He whispered.

"I can't..Adam."

"I'm going to kiss you-"

"Adam I can't do this." My voice cracked. I shook my head softly and my eyes were pleading him not to do this.

"If you still feel the same way you did a month ago then I'll leave you alone. This whole thing-this bet will end everything will be done. But if you like me then we'll see what happens from there."

Adam pulled me close and grasp a piece of hair and tucked it behind my ear. He leaned in close to my face. My heart was beating in my ears. He gazed at my lips and back at my eyes.

"Adam.." I said weakly. Adam stopped almost where our lips were close to touching. Our breath was the only thing separating us. "Let go." He whispered.

He closed his eyes. Then his lips pressed against mine softly. I feel something burst cold inside me. I slowly let my eyes close. Tingling growed inside my stomach frantically. Adam's arms wrapped around me his hand traveled in my hair. There was that warmness washing over my whole body. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he lays me down onto the mattress. His tongue grazed my lower lip asking for permission. I cracked my mouth open letting him explore me. I was in unwanted but  complete bliss. I wanted more of him but I didn't want to let on. He holds me tighter around my waist and his hand grasp the back of my neck. His touch sent me into overdrive. Nothing seems to matter right now. My heart probably skipped a few beats. A few seconds later Adam pulls away slowly.

I opened my eyes and Adam gives me a small smirk.
Something flowed through me I couldn't figure out what it was. Something was different. Something was new. But worst of all something was realized.

He did it.

He made me crack.

I like Adam Foster.

I felt the rush of hot tears blur my vision quickly before I had the chance to comprehend.

"Kendall?" He said softly. He was still holding me close. His warmness envelopes me. I could see the concern in his eyes. His deep sapphire eyes saw right through me.

"Damn it." I whispered. I slipped out from his grasp and jerked up from his bed. I slipped out of his room like a shadow. My feets dashed down the nearest stairs. Not all together where it was taking me. All I knew is, I needed to get out of there. Tears spilled down my cheeks uncontrollably.

"Kendall!" Adam shouted from behind me. He was always behind me. All the time. I felt like I was underwater I could only hear faint sounds of him calling my name.

Somehow I made it to the kitchen. I took a brief look at my surrounds.

Jess, Hayden, and Andrew gave me questioning looks. "Hey guys I got all of your numbers so I'll call you later or something. I gotta go." I said quickly. I knew Adam was coming downstairs. I sprinted through the other side of the house so he couldn't see me leave.

I grabbed my bags and my keys. I was wiping my eyes frantically. Blocking any tears from grazing my face. I ran out the Adam's house and quickly shuffled down the large driveway to my car.

I climbed in quickly and started my car without even closing the door. Adam charged out of the house and that's when I slammed my door tightly. I put my car in drive and backed out of the driveway. His fingers touched my car slightly before I sped off.

I really should have slowed down. Fear crept around making me think Adam was behind. No longer than fifteen minutes later I was in my driveway.

I don't want any of this.

I don't need feelings.

I don't want to go through the same thing with Adam like I did with Liam. He's was my brother but it hurted all the same when he went missing. Liam's my other half and we were connected. I miss him so much it hurts. And now he isn't here to protect me or comfort me. If I get feelings for Adam and something happens to him I wouldn't be able to bear it.

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