Chapter 51

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I knocked on Mr. Casey's door.

"Come in.." I heard a soft a voice.

I walked in and Ethan Chapman was sitting on one side of the room and Adam and Hayden were sitting on the other. Smart move. All eyes were on me when I entered the room.

"Take a seat please Ms. Evans," Mr. Casey said poiletly. I sat down next to Adam keeping my distance from Ethan. If sit anywhere near him I'll probably kill him.

"Now Ms. Evans..I've already gotten the story-"

"I already told you I didn't touch her!" Ethan intejected. "I was minding my own business and Foster put me in a choke hold."

"You lying son of a bitch!" I yelled.

"Ms. Evans!" Mr. Casey bellowed.

"How dare you sit there and lie! How do you have the balls to say you didn't touch her! There was no reason! Just because you felt like it! Don't you dare walk in this office and act like you almost didn't try to rape a girl! You've got three witnesses and the student body president to guarantee these accusations."

"Ms. Evans!" Derek

But I ignored the command.

"Who do you think they're going to believe? So don't you dare walk in here with your head up your ass with full confidence that you deceived everybody!" I hissed. Ethan shifted in his seat a little but was holding the same expression. The room was so silent you could probably hear someone blink.

"Mr. Chapman please step out..I'll deal with you personally." Mr. Casey said poiletly as he sat down in his chair. Ethan stepped out of the room with a glare on his face. Derek took off his coat and ran a hand though his black curls.

"Mr. know that weapons are not allowed in school. Especially threatening people with it. I could have you suspended-even worse expelled."

Hayden sat quietly and nodded slowly.

Derek look at him for awhile. "You're getting two weeks of suspension. Staring tommorow. I don't wanna see your face here got it?" He ordered.

Hayden nodded.

"Great. Now get out of my office." Derek said.

Hayden got up and stepped out the office.

Then Mr. Casey's green eyes fell on Adam and me.

"Mr. Foster. We've already discussed about controlling your anger. I could have you expelled. Or worse. Mr. Chapman can press charges on you and Mr. Davis as well."

I looked at Adam worriedly. But he had an unfazed look on his face. I laced my hand with his and squeezed it like a stress ball.

"But I'll over look it. The only reason why was because I heard the statement he made about Kendall..and I would've done the same myself." He confessed. "But if you keep getting into more trouble I can't keep saving you." Mr. Casey noted.

"You called me Kendall.." I smiled a bit.

"You always been Kendall." Derek looked at me softly.
"Now I'm going to ask you guys again. Are you guys a thing?"

"Yes.." Adam and I answered at the same time. Derek smiled a bit and looked down.

"Okay I need to speak with Kendall alone can stay in the office and wait if you like school is almost over anyways." Derek offered.

"I'll be out there alright?" Adam whispered in my ear. I nodded and then he kissed my cheek before leaving the room that made some what of a small smile on my face.

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