Chapter 50

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A pair of hands grasp my waist. I was digging through my locker as a small smirk springs on my face. "Hey Adam.." I grinned a bit. I turned around as my smile lessened a bit.

It was Hayden wearing a mischievous look. His light hazel eyes were almost dangerous.

"Don't be too happy to see me beautiful." He smirked at me. I grinned a little as he called me beautiful. But a hand was placed on Hayden's right arm.

"Hayden. You have got exactly ten seconds to get your hands off my girlfriend's waist. And if I see you holding her waist again I will flatten your ass and enjoy doing it." Adam said from behind him.

Hayden's expression faltered just a little. He dropped his hands from my waist. "You're no fun." He whined a slightly at his best friend.

"Get your own," Adam said firmly. I walked up to him and wrapped his arms around my waist. He looked down at me with a small smirk.

"Own?" I asked skeptically.

"You're mine." Adam said like it was a fact. I raised an eyebrow as he pulled me closer to his body. "And I'm yours." He said with an innocent smile.

"Don't you forget it.." I smiled.

"Never," He kissed my forehead sweetly.

"You guys are like a chick flick. Cheap and a waste of time." Hayden said boredly. He leaned his back against the lockers lazily.

Adam gave him a glare and I just ignored him. We were nothing close to being a chick flick. The way we came together was definitely chick flick worthy. But that's only how we got together. Other than how we came together we always had our flaws.

"We maybe a chick flick but I'm happy. I think that's all that matters.." I shrugged.

Hayden analyzed me for a second as if he was trying to figure me out. I gave him a small smirk and began to walk down the hall with Adam's arm hanging around me lazily.

"So I was thinking we should have a know with just the eight of us." Adam suggested.

"Sounds like a great idea. The girls will flip shit when they see your house." I agreed.

Hayden couldn't help but laugh. But then they were silenced when we heard a loud scream enough to startle me. It sounded too familiar. I broke from Adam's grasp and moved into a speed walk. I turned the corner to slowly. And my heart stopped. I was close to frozen. There was something cold and solid sitting in my chest.

Reagan was pinned against the lockers by the body of Ethan Chapman. She was struggling and thrashing around to get away from his grasp. Her blonde hair was dishelved sticking to her cheeks. His hand was over her mouth and kissing her neck.

"What's wrong Reagan? You hang want out with trash but you don't want to act like it? " I heard him ask. Heat rose from my stomach to my chest in anger and utter rage. I finally got to my senses and I ran over and tore him off of Reagan's body violently. Ethan's body crashed down to the floor. My heart was racing from urgency.

But before I could get my hands on him, Hayden clashed him into the lockers so quickly it was almost a blur. Anger was filling his hazel eyes it was almost like a light switch went off. Reagan ran up to Adam. He instantly wrapped his arms around her. She was sobbing into his chest so hard she was shaking. Then I saw something shiny flicker against the light. I flicked my head over to Hayden who was holding a small blade to his neck.

"Hayden!" I yelled. But he just ignored me. He whispered something into Ethan's ear that made his whole face grow pale. Then he put away the miniture knife. Hayden let him go and he began turn away.

"I should've picked Kendall. She may not be a virgin but that cun-"

Just as those words were escaped from his lips. Adam had him slammed back down against the wall with rage enough to scare anyone. Hayden was now holding a sobbing Reagan.

Adam wrapped his fingers around his neck violently. That bastard was gasping and gagging for air.

"Say again. And see if those aren't your last words." Adam said in a chilling tone.

"Mr. Foster! Let go of Mr. Chapman right now!" I saw Mr. Casey running down the hall.

Adam unattached his fingers around Ethan's neck and let him go.

"All of you to my office now!" Mr. Casey bellowed. He took one look at Reagan and his eyes immediately soften. Derek gave me one look and figure out somewhat the situation. I looked over at Reagan. She was crying softly into Hayden's chest. Her skirt was almost ripped in half. The sleeve on her blouse was separated from the fabric. It almost cracked my heart just to look at her.

"Mr. Davis and Ms. Evans please assist Ms. Thomson to the nurse's office immediately." He swallowed. "Both of you. To my office now." He ordered Adam and Ethan. Hayden lifted Reagan up like she weighed nothing at all and we began walking to the nurse's. I looked back at Adam and he didn't take his eyes off of me.


Hayden set Reagan down on one the cots gently. Her breathing was no longer staggering it was slow and calm. She shook a little as she laid there. My mind was racing with a million things it almost made me dizzy.

"I should probably head down to the office.." Hayden said awkwardly. I wrapped him in a hug which he reluctantly gave back.

"Thank you Hayden." I whispered.

He nodded softly and walked out.

"Kendall?" I heard her say softly.

"Yeah Rae." I asked

"I'm sorry I ran over to Adam. I shouldn't have done that. I should've-"

"Reagan. That's the last thing you need to be worried about at this point. I haven't thought twice about it alright?" I smiled a little. She always worries about the stupidest shit at the wrong time.

The small nurse walked in with a soft knock.

"Ms. Evans. Mr. Casey wants to see you in his office." She said meekly. I turned my head towards the nurse and nodded. I squeezed Reagan's hand and gave her a small smile.

"Don't get into too much trouble okay?" She said weakly.

"We'll see." I smirked.

Okay! Lot's to discuss. I know I'm evil but hey. I'm a writer it's what I do. This was a surprise chapter soo..surprise! This is the fiftieth chapter which is crazy because we're barely finished. So I would like to take the time to say thank you for being with me for fifty chapters. I hope I have fifty more. And there's another chapter coming your way so make sure you stay tuned for that.

Alright I'm done.

Much love


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