Chapter 43

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Adam's POV

I was waiting in the hallway of the gym like I was told. I stood there with my hands in my pockets. I kept looking at the doors. Knowing that Kendall was in there. I was practically itching to run in there and see her. But I did as I was told and waited. I was deep in my thoughts until Reagan walked out along with Callie.

"Okay here's the plan." Reagan clapped her hands together. "A song will come on. And Mia will give the signal to come in the gym. Then she's going to push Kendall into your arms and you'll take it from there. Got it?"

"Yeah." I nodded. It sounded so simple. But what if it isn't? What if she didn't want to see me? I didn't want her to run away again. Nervousness tighten my stomach harshly. But I push whatever grievances I had away.

I want to get my girl back.

"Alright good luck." Reagan said with a pat on the back. She walked back into the gym.

Callie came up to me and gave me a once over. "You ready?" She asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be.." I sighed.

Callie looked at me in my eyes
"You'll be great," Callie encouraged. Then she walked up the door but stopped herself. She paused as if it was something on her mind. She turned around on our heels and looked over at me.

"Hey. No matter what. If she runs away from you go after her. I don't care if you feel like you want to give up. Even if she saids to stop you keep going. If she walks away. Run after her. If she runs away, you sprint after her. Never stop chasing." She said firmly. Her eyes matched her tone but they also glittered with hope. She started this whole thing. And now the whole night was going to be filled with crossed fingers.

A smile spread to my lips. She was the brains of this whole thing. And I wouldn't know how to start to thank her for the scheming and plans.

"Thanks Cal." I said.

She was a little surprised when I used her nickname. But a radiant smile came to her face. She nodded in disappeared in the gym without another word.

I stood at the door waiting for Mia's signal.

Callie's words rang into my head.
Never stop chasing.

Okay guys we are almost at the big climax so stay tuned an update should be posted shortly.

Much love


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