Chapter 42

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I took one last look in the body mirror in my room. I straighten my dress to make sure nothing was out of place. I think for once I actually look pretty. But I don't think I'll ever look perfect or ravishing I'll just be me. I was in no mood to get out the house. I just want to stay in the house all day. 

I hear Callie honk the horn and I strolled downstairs. I walked out the house I felt a breeze fly across my legs. I walked to the car and climbed in.

"Are you ready to go to homecoming!" Callie announced. My friends yelled yes and I covered my ears. I groaned as leaned back in my seat.

"Aww Kendall you're no fun!" Mia laughed. She looked great she was wearing a short red dress and sleeves that fell at her shoulder. Her hair was curled perfectly and had I envied the way she looked.

"Lets just get this over with." I huffed.


We arrived at the school the stereos were blowing. "We're here!" Reagan yelled.

They zipped out the car like a bat out of hell.

Damn they're fast in heels.
I looked out the window seeing all the girls and guys go into the building with smiling faces. I don't know if I could fake that. I'm too not in the mood. I got out the car and walked up to the building. I looked down and took a deep breath and walked in. It was nothing but gold and white theme. Gold and white glitter everything and the ceiling had white balloons being held back from a net. Reagan came up to me "You having fun."

"I just got here Rea." I laughed.
"What do those balloons do again?"

"Oh! That's the surprise, we let them down at ten and the balloons are confeddi filled and they're very sensitive so when they drop they pop!" She giggled.

"Wow you thought of everything didn't you?"

"Yeah! I did. I just don't want you to worry about Adam tonight I know you ran out and everything but that's're just aren't ready. I get it." She wrapped me in a hug. She always knows what to say. God I love her.

"Thanks Reagan." I smiled.

"No prob Ken but I gotta go I have to sure make everythings in order." Then she scooted away.

I saw a flash of a camera and smiled knew it was Samuel. Wendy was fixing the lighting on one of the backgrounds. I tried running to them the fastest I can in heels. He was wearing a suit and Wendy was wearing jeans and a black tee shirt. I tapped on Wendy's shoulder lightly. She turned around and blinked a few times.

"Oh my god you have legs! Turn around let me see you!" I spun around. She clapped his hands like a maniac.

Samuel turned around and rubbed his eyes a bit. I fought the urge to roll my eyes. I wish they didn't look so shocked.

"You look like a girl!" Wendy exclaimed. Her eyes are wide is she scanned me all over. Do I really look that different?

"Aww thanks Wen."

"Where's your date?" Samuel asked.

"I don't have one. You know me." I smirked.

"We need get back to work you go have fun." He shooed me away.
I laughed and left the two. Callie came up to me grinning.

"Come dance with me." She urged. Before I could even reject her she grabbed my hand and dragged me to the dance floor. The girl is stronger than she looks.

"Okay..okay" I laughed.

I danced to My house as it blast on the radio. We swayed to the music Callie twirled me around a few times. "You having fun?" She asked me.

"Not really." I said blandly.

She frowned a bit."I want you to forget about Adam for the night and just let loose." She urged. I've noticed that everyone was telling me to forget about him tonight. As if that was the only answer. I raise my eyebrows slightly. I didn't question it. I just kind of guessed that they were being comforting in their own way.

"I'll try.." I nodded with a smile. I tried to put on a good face. It was just for tonight right? How bad could it be to act like I was having a good time. It was all for show. Besides maybe everyone will stop looking at me as if I might break at any moment.

The song ended and No by Meagan Trainor came on. Callie was giving me silly faces as she danced. I rolled my eyes and laughed at her. It was hard not to.

I looked to my left and I saw Hayden and Jess my blood ran cold. I felt goose bumps raised up on my skin that means Adam's here. I ignored my feeling of worried. I need to focus when having a good time tonight. At least that's what everyone is telling me to do. I kept dancing with Callie with a smile as the stereo blurred in vibrated. I twirled my best friend around and she laughed. I was out of breath and tired.

"I need to take a break." I huffed.

"Okay I'm going to go flirt." She pointed to the guys over on the corner drinking punch.

Maybe tonight will be fun after all..

That's not all folks just keep reading.

Much love💕


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