Chapter 30

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[Adam's POV]

I was hanging around the mall trying to find Kendall. I looked in all her favorite stores but there was no trace of her. I starting get worried that I won't be able fix things with her. I really miss Kendall. I was about to go home
But I saw a flash of blonde hair and I did a double take. I saw that it was Callie. She was with Kendall's friends. I walked up to them. I needed to get answers. "Callie." I called. She turned in my direction her smiling face instantly fell.

"Adam. What's up?" She asked. Callie's friends snapped their heads in my direction.

"Have you seen Kendall? I've been looking everywhere for her,"

"Sit down." She instructed.

"Callie I-"

"Adam. Sit down." Callie gave me a look that told me that I better do what she saids. I reluctantly sat down. "It looks like you haven't slept in days." She said worriedly.

Because I haven't I was afraid that Kendall was in trouble or something happened.

"I haven't. Is Kendall okay?" I confessed.

"Adam..Kendall is out town." She said slowly. I gave her a confused look.

"When?" I asked. Why would she just leave like that.

"This morning," Mia spoke up. I looked at her across the booth.
"Where did she go?" I asked Mia. Where ever she is I'm going to go and get her. I just want to be where she is.

"Kendall told us not to tell you," Reagan then spoke up.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because she didn't want to worry and she didn't want you coming to get her." Callie answered.

I smiled a little. "She knows me too well." I said softly.

"So does this mean you like her?" Mia asked.

"Yeah I guess.." I scratched the back of my head. They all broke out in girly squeals. I now know how Kendall feels. I looked at them and grinned a bit thinking about how they all have Kendall's back. No one could ask for better friends than them. They all become quite when I start staring at them. They mumbled their apologizes.

"Don't sweat it. I just don't know how to get her alone. She wont even talk to me." I said to them. I saw an idea form on to Callie's face.

"Adam, are you going to homecoming dance?" Callie asked.

"No homecoming isn't really my thing."

"Well now you are," Callie said. Her face curled into an evil grin. It was almost frightening.

"What?" I asked. I raised my eyebrows skeptically.

"Adam you're going to need a tux.." She grinned.

"And some dance lessons." Reagan grinned she leaned in to the table gripping her cup thinking.

"And also new hair cut.." Mia joined in. Her grin was identical to Callie and Reagan's.

I blinked at all of them. "What are you guys planning?" I asked them.

"You'll see." Callie said lowly.

Callie's cooking up a guys will probably piece it together soon. I have to pat myself on the back because I just thought of this and wrote it at twelve am in under thirty minutes. I deserve a cookie haha..jk.

Much love💕


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