Chapter 38

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After my dad reluctantly left I started to unpack my things. Being back here seems like I pushed pause my problems. Being without Liam and avoiding Adam. Now I'm back to push play again. I know I'm going to have to face Adam sometime but today is just not that day. And I know I'm going to have to learn to live without Liam. It's almost been two years but just because my brother disappeard doesn't mean the memories did. I escaped from my thoughts once I heard a knock at my door.

"It's open." I said as I kneeld the last of my clothes in a drawer.

I saw my door glided open in the reflection of my mirror revealing Aiden. "Still unpacking?"

"Actually just finished." I sighed as I closed my drawer. Then I turned to him and got back on my feet. "But I need to by Picture Perfect and talk to Samuel. Will you be alright for a couple of hours?" I asked.

"Yeah I just need to catch up on studying." Aiden shrugged.

"Okay I'll be home soon." I said. I grabbed my keys from the dresser and walked to the door. I smacked the back of Aiden's head lightly.
"Don't work too hard.." I smirked at him.

"I'll think about it.." He smiled.


I parked in front of Picture Perfect. I got out of my car and walked up to the door. I put my key in and unlocked it. The familiar sound of the bells jingling brings me back to when I first walked in here. It's only been three years but a lot has happened those past three years which makes seem like so long ago.

"Samuel?" I called.

"Kendall!" I heard a voice screech. I turned around and I saw a figure with wild red hair charging at me and I grunted as my back clashed with the hard floor. I think I have a concussion. I groaned but my eyes lit up when Wendy's smiling face was beaming at me.

"Wendy!" I smiled widely. She wrapped her arms around me. Then she smashed my head into her breasts.

"I missed you so much! I'm never leaving you again!" Wendy said quietly. I was struggling with breathing.

"'re suffocating me with your boobs.." I said. She pulled away and analyzed me. I was still trying to catch a breath.

"You look different!" Wendy crossed her arms.

I blinked at her. "I don't know what you're talking about." I took a deep breathe. "Nevermind that! What are you doing home early?" I asked.

"I missed home and got tired of looking at David." Wendy waved it off like it was nothing.

"But he's your husband." I gave her a flat tone.

"Your point being?"

"Umm. Newlyweds? Just got married? Fucking spree?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Eh." Wendy shrugged and spun around in a swivel chair. I shook my head at her. Wendy is about the most unconventional person I've ever met. Instead of spending every waking hour with her new husband she rather spend it with me. Or instead of wearing the traditional wedding dress she wanted to walk down the aisle in a bright poofy orange gown. Until I told her she look like the Great Big Pumpkin from Charlie Brown. Then that time she fought me for the last packet of fruit roll up. But I loved her all the same.

"How was your honeymoon?" I asked.

"Hawaii was alright. It rained for the most part. So you know what that meant." She wiggled her eyebrows.

"Endless games of Candy Land and Twister?" I asked.

"You know it." She gave me a high five.

"You're just one big kid you know that?"

"I'm a big kid and I'm proud!"

The curtains ruffled open reveling Samuel. "That's something you shouldn't be proud of." He rolled his eyes. Wendy glared at him and grabbed a soda from her desk.

Samuel gave me a small squeeze on my arm. It's Samuel's way saying I missed you. He's not the type to express his feelings verbally. He was always so composed and kept his feelings locked up. I look at his hand which had a small bandage wrapped around his thumb and index finger.

"How's your hand?" I asked plopping down on the swivel chair. Samuel analyzed it for moment as if giving the hand it's own diagnosis.

"I can move it which mean I'll be back to work in a few days. But you really saved my ass last month so I completely owe you one." Samuel gave me a grateful look.

"I needed the practice."

Wendy was sitting in her swivel chair eating a fruit cup. "You did Carpenters portraits?" She asked with mouthful of fruit.

"Yeah. I know they're usually your appointments but it's was a spare of the moment kind thing." I explained.

Wendy flew her arms up in the air."First I missed Samuel getting bitten then I missed the first time I see you in action! I'm never getting married again!" She crossed her arms to her chest like a little kid.

Samuel gave her a glare but turned his attention back to me. "But I'm really proud of you Kendall. You handled the client's well while taking great portraits. Im..proud of you." Samuel said.

"Whoah..Samuel expressed his feelings..Are you dying?" Wendy asked with a seriousness in her voice.

"No I'm not dying! Usted rechazó seasme carácter calle!" He spat in spanish. My eyes widen a little watching the two go at it. Wendy's face the same shade as her hair as she gave him a glare.

I shook my head and smiled. "You guys are too much.."

"Besides the point. We need to talk," Samuel said firmly to me.

My smile instantly faltered. "About?"

Sam gave me a look. He's the only person that notices when something isn't right or out of place about me. I can do one wrong move and he would be on it. Wendy's face turned serious and slightly concerned. "You know exactly what I'm talking about."

I looked at him. "I don't know you're talking about." I lied. Wendy rolled over to me wearing a serious face. She looked into my eyes deeply her bright forest green eyes looking to my dull brown eyes. She studied me very closely like she waiting for something to reveal it's self.

Then her eyes got soft and almost saddened. "Oh god.." Wendy said softly.

"Wendy what is it?" Samuel asked some what eagerly. She didn't answer him. She was still staring at me at if she was trying to be extra sure. I stayed frozen in my spot I felt my jaw clench.

And just like that Wendy figured it out. "It's a boy.." She said.


I told them everything. From the time the bet started to now. We were sitting in the staff lounge. Wendy was sitting on the couch braiding my hair softly. Samuel sat down in a chair listening intently eating Ramen Noodles in a cup. I was playing my noodles not really all that hungry.

"After he kissed me, I ran out and didn't answer any of his phone calls or text messages. I've haven't seen him since. I ran off to the beach with my dad put all my problems and obligations on hold. But now I'm back. And still in the rut I was in before." I sighed.

Then I looked up at them. I couldn't read their expressions. But if I wasn't mistaken I think I saw Samuel's eyes turn sad but instantly flickered into that expression that was unreadable.

Wendy sat next to me and wrapped me around into her embrace. I wrapped my arms around her as she held me tight. I could smell her perfume filling my nose.

"It'll be okay Ken.." She whispered.

"I hope you're right.." I sighed.

IM BAAACK! and making new chapters. Summer is around the corner which means more chapters for everyone! Sorry I haven't been quite active but I'm back and here to stay.

Much love💕


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