Chapter 27

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[Adam's POV]

I kissed her soft lips slowly stalling her as much as possible. My fingers tangled in her soft hair. I felt something that I couldn't explain inside of me. If she would've let me, I would kiss her for as long as I want. Her legs wrapped around my waist. I laid her on the bed gently. I hold her tighter around her waist. I licked her lower lip asking for permission she cracked her lips accepting me. My tongue explore her mouth she tasted sweet and addicting. God I love it. I didn't want to pull away. At that point nothing else mattered. She kissed me back with tenderness and inventiveness.

I reluctantly pulled away from Kendall after our short kiss. It was entirely too short. I've been waiting to kiss that beautiful face for a month. Last night didn't count she just kissed me because we were playing spin the bottle. But it made me smile all the same. But she kissed me back this time. That's gotta count for something right?

I gazed at her. That wild long light brown hair frames her face perfectly. Her light brown eyes and those crazy long eyelashes that fall to her cheeks when she blinks. And those naturally pink lips that parted ever so slightly. I was so tempted to kiss her again. She bit down on her lower lip which turns me on constantly. This girl is a masterpiece and she will be the death of me.

God she's gorgeous.

But I couldn't read her expression. It was almost as if she was calculating something.

"Kendall?" I asked. I perked to attention when I saw her eyes turn to porcelain. It unsettled me deeply. My grasp on her became a little tighter.

"Damn it." She whispered. She untangled herself away from me. She got off my bed in a quick haste and ran out of the room.

"Kendall!" I called out. She didn't answer me. She kept just running. I sprinted down the stairs after. I was always behind her. And it always seemed like she was running away from me.


I ran after her but she was faster. I saw my friends first. They all had the same dumbfounded look on their face as I did.
"Which way did she go?" I asked with urgency. All three of them pointed around the corner.

I didn't even see her when she turned the corner. I heard a door close and I knew it was the front door.

"Damn it." I cursed sharply. I charged to the exit and open the door. Kendall was already in her car. The engine roared when it saw me coming. I ran to the vehicle. My finger gazed the car but the feeling was brief. She looked straight at me. She looked scared out of her mind. And I could've sworn I saw regret glitter those eyes. She shed a single tear and took off.

I watched her speed away. There I stood in the middle of the driveway. My hands clutched my hair tightly.

What the hell did I do?

I walked back in the house slowly and defeatly. I had so many questions that seemed be left unanswered.
Why would she just run out on me like that?

I walked in the kitchen Andrew, Hayden and Jess gave me concerned looks.

"What happened?" Andrew asked.

"I kissed Kendall then she ran out." I answered. I scratched the back of my head. The way it left my lips didn't even sound right.

"You kissed Kendall?" Jess asked excitedly.

"Yeah.." I would've smiled or smirked. But there was another problem that I didn't know how to solve.

"But why did she leave out like that?" Andrew asked with his mouthful of cereal.

"I don't know she almost cried then she just ran out. I don't know what I did." I ran my hands through my hair again. Then that overwhelming feeling washed over me again. It tore into my insides mercilessly. I sat down on my couch with a deep groan.

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