Chapter 23

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I was in my bed deep asleep I felt something relentless poke at me continuously. "Kenny..Kenny.." Someone whispered. I cracked one eye open. I saw a figure in the dark.

"If you are a burglar, take my stuff and you will fucking die. But if this is Liam keep waking me up and you will also die." I mumbled.

"But I love you Kenny boo!" He mocked. Liam knows how much I despise that name with every fiber of my being.

"Liam?" I asked refusing open eyes.

"Yes Kendall?" He said all too cheerfully. God hate him sometimes. Especially his never ending perkiness.

"Are you bleeding?" I asked.


"Are you dying?"


"Is this an emergency of any sort?" I asked.

"No.." he answers.

"Then get out of my fucking room you human version of a headache." I was laying flat down on my pillow. Not caring about shit right now.

"Why do have a mouth of a trucker?"

"Because when I don't get my sleep I'm a bitch."

"Well wake up were going on an adventure." Open my eyes a little and attempted to raise an eyebrow at him even if it was in the dark.

"At three in the morning?"

"Is there even a better time than right now?"

"Yes, like in seven hours." I groaned.

"Kendall why can't you live in the moment?" Liam huffed.

"Because I have to sleep in order to wake up to live in the moment." I answered. I feel hands on my ankles and pull me out of bed and I screamed probably waking the house. I was face first on the floor.

"Get dressed smart ass were going on an adventure." He ordered. I groaned at the floor. I collect myself off the floor. I sluggishly walk over to my dresser throw on a Snoopy sweatshirt under my tank top. I slipped in some shorts. I tugged my hair into a messy bun and I switched on my light and looked in the mirror. I didn't do that bad considering I was in the dark. I leave my room and lazily walk down stairs with Liam waiting by the door.

"Let's go." He grabbed my hand. We walked out of the house and walk to Liam's car. I slipped in and Liam is already in the driver's seat beaming at me. I roller my eyes as he started the car. The drive was about ten minutes.

We pulled up to this ice cream stand. You're kidding right? "Liam?" I asked.

"Yes?" He replied.

"What the fuck is this?" I said bluntly.

"It's an ice cream stand," He answered.

"Liam, I know what it is but why are we here?" I asked annoyed.

"Just get out the car," he ordered. I unbuckled my seat belt and stepped out the car. I got a better look at the ice cream stand it was much larger than a regular stand but it was smaller than a food truck. Licence plates were screwed into stand. Vintage bottle caps were lined up at the counter. The sign said Sacco's soft served ice cream and shakes. White christmas lights were hanging around the sign. It looked pretty cool.

I walked up to the stand and looked at the menu. The menu was written on a black board in chalk with drawings of ice cream. There we're dim lights below the chalk board.

Liam stood beside me and had a mini smirk on his face. "Where did you find this place?" I asked. Liam wrapped his arm around me. I inhaled his familiar cologne and exhaled.

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