Chapter 71

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"Yes of course it's all right here." I shifted the phone to my other ear. I scribbled down quickly some notes and nodded. "Alright we hope to see you fairly soon. And yes and Happy New Year." I concluded as I hung up the phone. A breath was released from my body as I checked the time. Almost closing time. The first week of the New Year was relatively longer than I expected. We had finally finished up portraits and printing just before Christmas. I had even spent working over time just making sure everything was sent just before Christmas. Without bonus of course.

Wendy and Samuel had just stepped into the door talking amongst themselves. "Ken, you're still here? You know that you've been off the clock since four, right?" My boss raised an eyebrow as he hung up his scarf on the rack. Wendy and him shared the same look of surprisement at my presence.

"I am well aware." I answered as I stacked some papers onto my small desk. I had been working late and staying after hours for the past month. I wasn't sure why but I just felt the need to. Ever since Adam came into the picture, I felt like I've been out of focus with my actual work. I saw it a problem. Of course I was here on time, did all my work and then some, and put just as much dedication into my work as I usually have. But I had to remember that hanging out with Adam all the time wasn't going to give me the career I wanted later on. "Is it a problem that I want to stay a little longer than usual?" I asked slowly as I got up from my desk.

"It's not that but you seem like you're making up for time you haven't even lost. You're even here on your days off sometimes. It's weird." Wendy commented with a soft laugh. Samuel held a face in slight agreement. I know he didn't mind having me around.

I only shrugged gently before moving across the office. "Well you don't have to worry. I'm going to be out of here in five minutes. I need to go pick up Aiden. Besides, I know when I'm not wanted." I said with a false frown. I knew I was loved. But today was itching to leave. After Thanksgiving, Aiden and I set up days out of the week we would see each other. I couldn't go almost a month without talking to him especially not seeing him. He convinced our mother that this was a good idea. The first few times it was like pulling teeth. She'd either forget to drop him off or she just wasn't there period. It was enough fuel to start an argument. But Aiden has always asked me to drop it. But my patience was slowly waning. He was going to need to learn to drive soon. This arrangement was sure enough to drive me crazy.

"Cut the theatrics. You know we adore you," Sam dismissed me with his hand as if there was a fly in the air. "And where are you taking Aiden this time? Another fancy museum? Possibly book hunting again? Oh! How about the moon? Maybe find some craters?" He said with thick sarcasm but his smile betrayed his remarks.

I only rolled my eyes deeply. "We're going roller skating. Obviously my choice." I replied with a small grin as I shrugged on my coat. "If I go to another one of Aiden's educational field trips I think I'll scream-" I was cut off by my phone ringing. Sam and Wendy only laughed at my remark as I picked up the phone. I titled my head gently at the caller ID. It was my dad. "Hey Dad, What's up?" I answered the phone.

"Kendall, where are you?" He asked. His tone sounded urgent and somewhat demanding. It only made my posture straighten a little at the sudden question.

"Still at work. I'm about to go meet up with Aiden, why?" I replied before furrowing my brows gently. "You think this can wait I have-"

"Kendall there's been an accident." My father interrupted. Not only did he cut me off, he also cut off my ability to breathe. I had to lean back against the door to support my weight. There was sickening tightness in my stomach. I think I was going to hurl or maybe scream. This could not be happening again. I may have zoned out because my father was still speaking. "Aiden and your mom are at Carlton Mem-" I hung up on him. I knew exactly where it was.

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