Dead weight

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The only reason you were on this taskforce was because you had nothing to loose. When Cheif Yagami said to the police they could leave and won't be reprimanded, you stayed. Partly because someone had to stop Kira, and partly because you just didn't have anything to loose.

No friends, no family on good terms to protect, if Kira killed you at least you could say you went out trying to stop him. There was one other driving factor though, L. You wanted to at least see him once. So now here you were on his taskforce on a demanding case. The straggler of the taskforce.

You were tired, yearning to feel something and have some excitement for once. Every time Kira pulled some wild move, it kept you entertained for a while until it was back to boring old filing and it writing. You worked, went to sleep, woke up, worked, went to sleep, woke up etc. occasionally you'd get the adrenaline rush of a new development in the case. But it wasn't often. It was large gaps of time between that.

The taskforce all excelled at their jobs, and you... you sat at the back with all the boring paperwork just filling it out and filing it. Someone had to do it, and it was given to you since you weren't ranked nearly as high as the others in the police force. You wondered how L even let you stay here, you were deadweight after all.

You'd stopped caring about professional appearance a while ago, and no one seemed to care or notice. So you sat there like an outlier with unbrushed hair, bed socks, business skirt and skirt with one of your tattered jackets over top. You were a tired, numb mess. But, someone had to do the boring work. Someone had to be the dead weight right?

You sat at your desk, tirelessly filling out papers. Empty ramen cups beside you, energy drink half drunk off to the side, the stack of files by no means neat. Your playlist ended a while ago, but you were too busy to notice it.


You snapped from your daze only to be met with an empty room aside from L.

"Huh?" You questioned.

"It's past midnight. You can go to bed" L said.

You looked at the clock, sure enough he was right.

"Oh, no point. I won't be able to sleep even though I'm so tired. Too much work to do" you replied.

"Don't overwork yourself"

"I could say the same thing to you"

He was silent for a moment, realising you had a point. The two of you were overworking to hell and back.

"You're clearly not all there at the moment" L said.

"Again, I could say the same about you. Every time I've looked up at you today you've been on another planet"

"... I have? I didn't think I was disassociating that much..."

You sighed, getting up and stretching out your limbs. You knew going to bed was no use in this state, so you figured you'd just get some air. Walking over to the stairs and grabbing the balcony key on the way, you made it up to the sliding doors and pushed them open. A warm breeze rushed in and blew your jacket and hair around. You leaned against the railing and looked out over the city.

Why were you even here? You aren't making any progress on this case. Surely you're only here to be a coffee runner huh? You couldn't help but feel stuck in a cycle of work, eat, sleep over and over. Just waiting for something new to happen. And as soon as it's over you go back to the same old thing. Hearing footsteps behind you, you didn't think much of it until you saw L lean on the railing next to you.

We're you gonna get roasted by the boss man for being dead weight?

"You know you're my favourite right?" He simply stated.

You blinked, stayed silent for a moment.

"Huh?" You replied.

"You're the only one that doesn't cause a fuss, you do all the important but boring work for us, you're calm and unbothered. A breath of fresh air on this damn taskforce"

You let that sink on for a moment. That was... unexpected.

"Really? I've always thought I was just the straggler who's only here because you need someone to dump the boring work on" you replied.

"I'd dump it on the others if they didn't complain so much. It's always 'I'm not kira' this and 'he's not Kira' that... 'you can't do that L' blah blah blah..." he sighed.

You did like L the most. It seems you were each other's favourites. It was understandable why the taskforce were so defensive of Light, but it was undeniable he was suspicious as hell. It was understandable why they didn't trust L's methods, but this is kira... a literal supernatural power. Everyone has to re think their work view because if it.

"Mr words greatest detective is soft for the dead weight girl. Never thought I'd see the day..." you snickered.

"You're not dead weight. Tired, bored, cast aside by the others yes... but you've done more work than all of them combined. You and I are the ones carrying the case here, without you we wouldn't have gotten this far" L replied.

You turned to face him, he turned to face you. The soft light of the outdoor lights illuminated you both subtlety, it made him look mysterious. It made him pretty. He already was pretty, but this just added to it.

"If I'm your favourite, then you're mine" you said.

"That's new. People don't trust me, they think I'm weird" he replied.

"You are. But so am I. Weird attracts weird"

It took a second for your words to process in his mind, but when they did he had a lightbulb moment.

"I attract you?" He said.

Fuck it. Once again, what do you have to loose?

"Yes. You have a head on your shoulders. I admire that, unlike me you're not dead weight. You deserve everything you've worked for and it's very impressive. Plus, I've always thought Eyebags are hot" you admitted.

"Again, you're now dead weight. You're more capable than all the others. But... thanks for all that I guess... never really thought about it like that"

"You're just saying that. I'm a mess, dead weight for sure"

"(Y/n). You're a mess, but an impressive one. A hot mess, don't be so hard on yourself"

You smiled, laughing in happiness under your breath. He wasn't backing down was he?

"If you don't stop praising me I might just have to kiss you" you joked.

"That wouldn't be a problem at all" L replied, without wasting a second.

You snapped your gaze to him, caught off guard by that remark.

"Don't tease me" you snickered.

"And if I keep doing it?"

You were both silent for a moment, it was like the world slowed down and the background around you went blurry to only focus on the two of you.

"Shut the fuck up and just kiss me already" you sighed.

"Thank you for the invite" he replied.

Not a second was wasted, and before you even knew it you were stood there out on the balcony lips together and hands on cheeks. As if time hadn't stopped before, but it had again. This time feeling like a freeze frame the second your lips touched. You'd both clearly been waiting for this, just hadn't vocalised it until know. It was the first, and definitely not the last. That much you can tell.

You were each other's favourites.

Even though you felt like dead weight, to L you weren't, and never had been.

L x Reader oneshots 1 // series 3 • Death NoteWhere stories live. Discover now