Alive at night part 2

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After the chaos that was your first night on the job, you'd decided to stick around anyway. You needed the money after all, and there were still good things about guarding the museum that comes to life at night. You got to talk to all kinds of historical figures from different eras and places in the world. It was interesting. And of course, you needed to be there to let L out of his case or he'd just be stuck in there all night.

You'd made it clear to everyone last night that as long as they behaved themselves they could roam free around the museum, and for the most part when you got there tonight and everyone came to life, they abided that rule. They wanted to be able to roam away from their display cases and exhibits after all, and if behaving was all it took, they'd do it.

But it seems not everyone got the message, because after L offered to help you do your usual rounds he'd come back to grab you after finding the hall of miniatures in complete chaos. So now you stood there beside your new hakama wearing friend looking down at the absolute war that was going on down on the floor of the exhibit. Hundreds of tiny people all trying to beat each other up, screaming and fighting over god knows what.

"Wow... what did I literally just tell them last night?" You sighed.

"From what I know they've never liked each other..." L said.

"Right, that's it-"

You made your way to the centre of the battle field careful not to step on anyone, and snapped your fingers next to the seeming leaders. Thanks to their small size, that snap sounded like a massive bang of thunder, and they all flinched and stopped to look up at you.

"Guys what the hell? I told you all last night to behave" you said.

"He started it!" The blonde yelled.

"Me?! You threw the first punch!" The redhead replied.

"OK- enough!" You stopped them.

The trio stopped again, before you stood a blonde spy from the Cold War exhibit, a medieval redhead knight and a white haired aristocrat type. Their dioramas were next to each other and it seems that despite being neighbours for so long they never learnt to play nice.

"What are your names?" You asked.

"Sir Mail Jeevas at your service"

"Lord Nate River, of France"

"I ain't telling you my real name, just call me Mello"

To be expected form a spy, you did find that any problem. Just having something to call them was enough.

"What's the deal here? Why the fighting?" You asked.

"Blondie was spying on us again! He wants to take over our land! Both of them do!" Mail said.

"We expand or we die" Nate added.

"I'm just doing my job! Blame the boss not me!" Mello snapped.

So both the French and Cold War dioramas wanted the medieval land in the middle? This was all a turf war. One that wouldn't ever come of anything anyway, if the day staff saw the dioramas had moved they'd just put everything back in place and assume you messed with it.

"Ok well sorry but no one is expanding anywhere. If you guys aren't in your designated dioramas come daytime then I will be the one who gets in trouble. And then YOU will get in trouble. No one's expanding" you said.

"Plus, if you guys behave then you get to roam the entire museum. That's more space than in a diorama box. You don't have to like each other but you do need to co exist" L added.

"Exactly, L's right. Behave or I'll have to lock you guys back in those boxes got it?"

The tiny trio looked annoyed, but the message seemed to stick this time. No fighting and they'd get to wander around the whole building. No expanding because they'd get in trouble.

"Fine... but I ain't making friends with anyone" Mello scoffed.

"You don't have to, just behave. Call off this war, now" you replied.

"Alright..." Mail sighed.

"Ok..." Nate agreed.

That was one problem taken care of, and if they wanted to pull this shit again they'd know what would happen to them. Back in the boxes. Your much bigger size compared to their tiny ones meant you could easily pick them up and toss them around, they knew not to fight with the, what they perceived as, giants.

"Well... we'll see how long that lasts" you sighed.

"Hopefully they get the message now" L replied.

"Any other mishaps?"

"No. Although I ran into this one guy from the other end of the Japan exhibit. He doesn't seem to like me"


"A samurai guy, Yagami I think"

L had only been out and roaming the museum for one night and he'd already made enemies. How did that happen?

"What? Why?" You asked.

"No idea. I'm just going to avoid him. There's also a very gothic Victorian mourner who seems to be attached to him. Misa, I believe. I think I'll just keep my distance from them" L said.

"Yeah just do that for now, I'll see if I can sort things out later"

L sighed, seeming a bit gloomy about the topic.

"What did I do? I haven't even been out and about for a few days and people already don't like me..." he muttered.

"Hey, don't beat yourself up over it. Some of these guys are yet to fully understand they're just museum exhibits come to life at night and are a bit snippy because of that. You're the nicest one in the museum" you assured.


"Yeah man, and the prettiest. You suit the hakama really well"

If he wasn't made of wax, he'd have blushed at that compliment. The outfit he was displayed with was a recreation of one he'd actually made himself in his real human life. So he quite appreciated the admiration of it.

"Ariga- oh wait, thanks" he replied, remembering he was in an English museum and not Japan right now.

"You know when we have time, and no rowdy museum exhibits to wrangle, you should teach me your language. I've always wanted to learn. It'd be best to learn from someone who's actually fluent and lived in the country" you replied.

He smiled, exited about the idea of being able to teach a true friend about his language and culture. He'd been stuck in that display case for so long, he'd forgotten what it was like to have meaningful connections.

"I'd like that" he smiled.

You smiled in return, a slight blush dusting your cheeks. He was so pretty when he smiled... wait...

There is NO way you're falling for a living wax statue of an ancient guy are you?

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