L's first birthday party

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It was a sad reality, but a reality nonetheless. Most orphans didn't really get much of a birthday party before they came to the orphanage, since they'd come from unstable households or ones that couldn't afford it. But at least most of the kids HAD a birthday celebration, even if it was small. They all recalled having a birthday celebration at least once.

Expect L.

The newest kid, who didn't get off on the right foot with the kids when he first met them, having beat them up and such.

But the kids did understand that he was just scared and confused at the time, they were scared and confused when they first came to the orphanage as well. Even though L didn't really talk to many people, and was a little strange, he at least was on good terms with the other kids. Wammys had that family like dynamic. All the kids looked out for each other, even if you weren't best friends. At least you'd make sure everyone was ok.

So when you found out your favourite BFF had never had a birthday party, you were appalled. How can a kid not have a birthday party?!

Your small child self was on a mission, the moment you found out L hadn't had a party before you marched down to Mr wammys office, slammed your hands on the desk (which was a little tall for you) and demanded a birthday party for L was held.

Of course, Watari agreed. He too was very fond of L in a dad way. And soon it was one big secret among everyone but L that there'd be a Halloween birthday party for him. L being the tiny detective he was, figured out something was up pretty quick. But the other kids were just a sneaky as he was, and managed to keep it a surprise.

The kids always liked Halloween, because they got the day off classes to dress up and play Halloween activities before going out with the staff to trick or treat. And now it was even better because they got to have a party for L, that meant cake AND birthday games as well as Halloween ones.

You'd set your alarm early the night before, so you could be the one to wake up L. That tiny menace never seemed to sleep even past lights out, but Watari made sure he slept that night. So when your alarm went off, you practically sprung from your bed and dressed in your Halloween costume as quick as you could. You were a classic vampire this year, with a cape and frilly shirt, fake fangs and painted nails. It was pretty decent costume for one put together by a kid, it was obvious enough you were a vampire.

You rushed down the halls, cape flowing behind you past all the other kids getting up for the day and getting dressed up for Halloween. Stopping at L's room you opened the door without even thinking about knocking and jumped up onto his bed were he was curled up asleep.

"L get up! It's spooky day! And more importantly your birthday!" You exclaimed, jumping on the bed to bounce him awake.

"Hm?" L mumbled, still half asleep.

"Get up silly!"

He sat up and yawned, groggy from the first time he'd slept in weeks.

"Happy Birthday!" You smiled, pulling him into a hug.

He still wasn't that used to hugs, especially after the first time an orphanage kid tried to hug him and he kicked them in fear. But he knew now that hugs were good, especially when they came from you.

"Oh yeah... it's my birthday. And Halloween" he yawned.

"Get up and get your costume on! We have lots to do today!" You said.

"Ok ok, now get out so I can get changed"

He playfully shoved you away to push you out the door, you snickered playing along and waiting outside for him to get spooky. You'd both decided to help each other make up your costumes this year, so you already knew what he was going to be.

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