Bite me part 2

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This was getting... a little dangerous.

You hadn't fed in weeks... human food only does so much for you. But L had you working quite a bit, and you just hadn't had the time to go out hunting for blood. He said it was because 'you're the only one who knows how to do any damn work here'. Which... ok fair enough. You did get shit done, and talked back a lot less because you agreed with his stance on Light being Kira.

But you were hungry... and it was starting to get to you. You found yourself eyeing the visible veins on L's skin, his paleness made them a lot more visible than the others in the building. He'd have good blood sugar... with all the sweets he eats that's for sure. It was getting hard to focus on work when your head was dizzy from the lack of nutrients in your system. Human food may taste nice, but it didn't give nearly enough of what you needed. Fresh blood, that's what kept you going.

Technically a vampire could die, but only from a few things. Burning in the sun, allergic reaction to garlic, a wooden steak to the heart or malnutrition. You'd not die instantly from malnutrition, you'd slip into a coma first. That's why when a vampire gets too hungry, they start to dip into a feeding frenzy, it was a survival instinct. Attack anything you could for the blood you needed to survive. But you couldn't slip up... not in front of everyone. You needed to find a way out of the building for a while so you could at the very least have some animal blood to keep you sane enough to go hunting for human blood. Typically you'd take human blood from those who are recently deceased. You didn't kill them, they were already dead. You just... had a little sip.

Best case scenario you could find a willing participant in the form of a partner every once in a while, worst case scenario you'd have to resort to breaking into hospitals for their blood transplant supply or attack someone in your bat form.

But with how closely L monitors the building, how busy you'd been, you'd been deprived for weeks. And it was really starting to get to you.

"Earth to (y/n)... (y/n)!"

Snapping out of your daze, you were met with L looking over your shoulder at the empty report you were meant to fill out.

"You've been staring at that page for an hour now..." he muttered.

"Sorry... zoned out..." you replied.

"You seem less focused, usually you're the best worker here"

Yeah maybe because you were practically starving...

"I'm just... tired" you replied.

Not a total lie, you'd had gotten a pretty late night last night, some sleep wouldn't hurt. But it was mainly the food you needed.

"You look lightheaded, have you eaten today?" He asked.

Now he was just driving the metaphorical nail in your coffin, mentioning food like that. Fuck you were so so hungry.

"Yes..." you replied, having had boring old cereal for breakfast this morning. No where near enough for what you needed.

"Perhaps you should eat something else, breakfast alone isn't enough" L replied.

Gods you wanted to jump on him and bite him right then and there for that remark. It was almost like he was teasing you... was he? He hadn't figured it out... had he?

"I wish I could, I've been busy..." you muttered.

You made eye contact, his dark eyes somehow managed to look into your soul. That's something YOU should be doing here, the predatory gaze into the soul. Yet, he somehow had that skill. You knew from that look alone that he knew. How he figured it out, you had no idea...

L x Reader oneshots 1 // series 3 • Death NoteWhere stories live. Discover now