Festival beauty

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A/n: haha ancient history hyperfix go brrr. And fun fact, this festival happens a few days before my birthday. So at some point I MUST have a birthday party at one of the festivals.

The most recent case L had taken had bought him to Greece. Although his timing wasn't the best, because one of the few practices from ancient times that's still done in the modern day was on. Dionysia. The festival celebrating the god of wine, the harvest and revelry among other things. Not everywhere in the country did it but it happened to be held right where L was meant to be investigating. He'd heard music from his hotel room and when he looked outside he was met with crowds of people adorned in grave vibes and and animal print banging drums, drinking and dancing.

'Oh' he thought, suddenly remembering what time of year it was and what country he was in.

Looks like he'd have to navigate his way through a festival crowd to get to his desired location, this would be rather interesting. His goal was to get to the club where a brutal and very strange murderer had taken place to gather evidence and clues from the staff, although if Dionysia was on, that club would probably be packed. After a moment of psyching himself up to navigate the crowds of drunk, half dressed, loud festival goers he was out the door and into the crowd.

Admittedly he was a bit intrigued, it wasn't often ancient practices lasted this long. Even with Greece being very orthodox in the modern day, they still decided to keep this one particular tradition alive. Probably because it was one massive party, and who didn't like an excuse to get drunk and wild for a week straight?

He looked quite out of place, clearly not Greek or dressed for the occasion. Amongst all the grape themed accessories and robes he was still in his classic blue jeans and white shirt, he must look like one hell of a confused tourist. When he finally made it to his destination, he groaned in annoyance. As he thought it was packed, so packed there was a line spilling out into the street. Looks like he'd be waiting a while...

At some point he'd had a olive branch crown put on his head by tipsy festival goers, and couldn't help but snicker at the drunken conversations he was overhearing around him. Dionysus would be beaming at the sight of such revelry that's for sure. When he finally managed to get inside, he skipped past the dancing and drinking right to the staff members, immediately in investigation mode. Thanks to his fake Greece police department ID, they were willing to answer anything he asked about the prior incident.

He was in a hyper fixated mode, all the noise and alcohol around him drowned out. All he could think about was the investigation... that was until he went to the bar to ask the bartender.

Standing at the beer taps cleaning them off, was the most beautiful person he'd ever seen. Dressed for the festival in a flowing off the shoulder chiton, hair adorned with leaves and dangly beaded grapes hanging off the branches. A leopard print sash over one shoulder and cheeks of purple glitter. For a moment all he did was stare in awe, only being snapped out of it when they spoke to him.

"What'll it be mister underdressed for the occasion?" You asked.

He snapped from his daze, suddenly remembering why he was here.

"Oh! Uh, actually I'm here about the case-" he began.

"Oh you're the investigator the bouncer was talking about. Look I know you technically can't drink on the job but hey, one little glass for Dionysus? I'll let it slide"

You know what... fuck it. He might never get to accept a drink from a literal god in the flesh ever again. Was he sure you weren't just Dionysus himself disguised as a human? No one was that perfect unless they were a god right?

"... yeah ok, one glass" he caved.



L x Reader oneshots 1 // series 3 • Death NoteWhere stories live. Discover now