Small details in DN

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After binging the entire franchise again, as I do, I've realised there's a-lot of small details in the DN universe that no one really talks about. So I'm gonna list them as fun facts here, and for those who write fic to use to make their fics more interesting and close to canon. As well as where they show up in the franchise.


•the death note will sound with the screams of its victims when it's burned (L change the world)

•I will forever remind people L is a cross dresser when undercover on cases (L change the world)

•wammys house has its own emailing system (L change the world)

•Lights mum has four little figures of cats on a sofa on the kitchen windowsill. One for each member of the family (Anime)

•Mello took a selfie with Sayu when she was kidnapped by the mafia to taunt Light and his dad (manga)

•L likes going to art galleries and museums, the swings at the park and concerts  (L file 15)

•Watari is an inventor as well as owning the orphanage (manga and anime)

•L beat the shit out of several kids on his first day at wammys because they tried to hug him, and he saw a hug as a threat,,, that's trauma baby (L file 15)

•Matt's character was created so Mello wouldn't be lonely (how to read 13)

•Maki speaks in Osakan dialect, L comments on how straight forward and blunt she is because of it (L change the world)

•L caught notice of Mello and Near to be successors because when he called the orphanage to do a Q and A, they were the only ones who didn't ask any questions and kept to themselves as well as their amazing grades (L's successors OVA)

•A has no canon gender, meaning the fandom can head canon them as whatever (LABB)

•B crawls on all fours sometimes... like the feral child he is (LABB)

•Naomi kicked L down the stairs because he started her, that's gave L the idea to learn capoeira (LABB)

•Misa is from Osaka and knew Makis family before she debuted as an idol and moved to Tokyo (L change the world)

•L is a Misa Stan and has a handful of her merch (L change the world)

That's so funny to me man, like I imagine him finding out she's the second Kira and being like   "FUCK, why are my favs problematic?"

•L reads eighteen magazine (Anime and manga)

•L also accidentally admitted to looking at titty mags to Lights dad when they saw Light doing the same thing.
"It's not unusual for a boy his age to do such a thing, when I was his age I did for no reason at all" (anime and manga)

Yeah sure L... no reason.

•L accidentally ate the paper wrapper of a cupcake (manga)

•Light hid the death note both in his pants AND in a corset during the second arc (anime and manga)

•Roger doesn't actually like kids, he just works at the orphanage because he's friends with Watari (manga)

•L didn't actually tell Mello and Near he was L when they met. They figured it out themselves. (LABB)

•Mello wrote the recount of LABB JUST to flaunt his knowledge on L's cases over Nears head. (LABB)

Man's is so petty.

•Near filled up a kiddie pool and put a bunch of rubber ducks in it to play with, INSIDE the SPK taskforce building. (Anime and manga)

•Near needed the SPK to come with him to America by plane because he'd never been on a plane before and didn't know what to do. Also to have someone hold his toys (Anime and Manga)

•Near stayed in America after Kira (2019 oneshot)

•Mello and Near we're originally going to be L's kids. And they were going to have swapped designs. Mello in Nears clothes with fluffy hair and Near in Mellos clothes with longer hair. (How to read 13)

•Misa has a black cat, that looks very grumpy (Manga)

•Ryuk mentions he's a guy, but since shinigami don't have any reproductive system they can't have a biological sex. Ryuk decided to identify as a guy and Rem decided to identify as a girl. Meaning shinigami do have a concept of gender similar to humans. (anime)

•even Ryuk thinks Misa is cute, and got shy when she hugged him (anime)

•when Light sees L's spirit as he dies it could either be a hallucination, or insinuate that MU (nothingness) the place people go when they die is just another plaice idea existence on earth. Like how ghosts haunt people. (Anime)

That's all I can think of rn, I'll add more when I think of them. But for now take all these small canon details and go make a cool fic with them.

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