Chapter Seventy-One.

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listen to this song rn: my everything // ariana grande {emmadawn98 for song creds❤}

Ella's POV

It was three days since I had seen Harry, and I had panicked when my message was delivered, meaning he had replaced his phone, but he never read it or responded. I hoped he wouldn't see it, I just wanted to tell him in person more than anything.

But I couldn't seem to find him. He hadn't shown up to talk to me, and the one time I saw him in the grocery store he smiled at me and then walked away. 

It didn't stop me. 

I was calling him every night since his phone came back tonight and even though it went to voicemail, I was still trying. I didn't want to keep doing this. After he came back, my feelings came crashing back in from the back of my heart and they weren't going away. It was ironic how he had been trying so hard the day he came back, and I pushed him away, and now it was the opposite. 

I messed up, it was my fault. We might be together right now if it weren't for me. 

I promised Louis to meet him to see a movie we had been wanting to see for a while, and I was getting ready now. I furrowed my eyebrows when my phone dinged from Harry, and I quickly opened it before leaving the house. 

Harry❤: ella

Harry❤: i dont need your pity anymore okay?

Harry❤: i wish things were different

Harry❤: but they arent 

Harry❤: please just stop trying 

Harry: i dont want this anymore ok


Me: wait what? 

Error 909: Your message could not be delivered at this time. It will be delivered when the recipient's number is available.

Me: harry? 

Error 909: Your message could not be delivered at this time. It will be delivered when the recipient's number is available.

Me: harry please 

Error 909: Your message could not be delivered at this time. It will be delivered when the recipient's number is available.


He blocked me. 

Was he finally giving up? He thinks that message, all of my phone calls, the voicemails, he thinks they were pity? That's ridiculous. He should know me better than that. He wanted me to stop trying, wanted me to let us go. 

It had crossed my mind, but that was before he told me everything, before he told me he still loved me, before I believed it. And now I'm starting to think he doesn't anymore. That he just turned what we had off, and now I had to be the one to live without him. I don't know how I could do that, with us being so close, with him being back, and I'd have to see him at random times. 

But I guess I'd have to. 

Why doesn't he realize that I missed everything about him, just like my text message had said? Why didn't he believe me? 

I ran my hands over my face before putting my phone back in my pocket and leaving to go with Louis. I didn't let my watering eyes finally cry, because there was no use. Harry was done. And I wasn't this time. 

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