Chapter Forty.

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Ella's POV

"Are you okay, love?" Were Louis first words when I stepped into the car.

My silence answered him, I wasn't okay and he knew it. The burning image of Harry would never leave my mind as long as I had to see him.



"Would...Would you ever forgive someone for cheating?" I asked him and he sighed in thought.

"I don't know, I guess it depends on how much I love them, and if I can put my trust in them again," he said and I nodded.

Louis grabbed my hand that rested on my leg, intertwining our fingers in comfort.

As we reached the airport, I jumped out of the car and walked inside with Louis, looking for Carter at the gate he told us to meet him at.

"There he is!" I yelled, running over to my best friend and jumping onto his back.

"Hey Ella," he said and I jumped off, turning to look at him.

"Are you excited?" I asked him.

"I'm not excited about leaving you." He responded quietly.

"You'll be fine, I know it. Just Skype me all the time, okay?" I said, a tear slipping my eye as his gate was called. Me and Louis didn't get there in time.

"Louis," Carter said to him, "Keep Ella safe. She's my best friend. And I don't want anything to happen to her, so please, please just don't hurt her. She's very fragile and is already half broken because of Harry." Louis nodded, giving Carter a 'bro' hug before walking to me. I stayed in his embrace until he pulled away, looking at me.

"Stay strong, Ella. I love you, okay?" Was all he said to me before pressing his lips to my cheek and walking to his plane. We waved goodbye until he was completely gone and I already felt alone. But, I think I was going to be okay, knowing he was going to be living his dream. He was going to be happy in New York and I would save every penny to visit him. And I would be okay.

"Come on, babe, I'll take you to lunch." Louis said and I smiled, grateful he was here for me over everything.

We walked hand in hand to the car, and him being a gentleman, opened the door for me again before driving us to a diner across town. It was little and cute and we got our food in minutes.

After we left, he drove me home and Aiden hadn't gotten home from work yet and Melissa was out of town for an art show.

I unlocked the door and jumped at the sight of Harry passed out on the couch. His arm hung over the end and he laid on his back, small snores emitting from his open mouth.

"Louis," I whispered, "You should go home. I need to deal with him, alone."

He hesitantly nodded and left after kissing my cheek in goodbye.

I walked to Harry, sitting criss crossed in front of his sleeping face, trying to make out the words he mumbled but was unsuccessful.

I tapped him, waking him up after saying his name multiple times. He immediately pulled me onto him half-asleep, before fully waking up and mumbling an apology. I ignored the electricity I felt from our close presence, pushing myself off of him and turning away.

"You need to leave," I said bluntly, and I heard him shuffle before his arms touched my shoulders and turned me around.

"I don't want to leave," he mumbled, his head hung low.

Don't do this to me, Harry.


"Ella, please. Everything at home reminds me of you, I can't even sleep in my own bed! I won't do it again, I promise. I love you. Just give me another chance," he begged and I shook my head.

"Do you not get it Harry?" I said to him, "I can't just forgive you like that. That's not how it works. You have to show me that you won't do it again, not just say it. Then maybe, just maybe, I could give you another chance. But right now? I'm hurt and I can't be with you. Just. Go," I said and without another word, he was gone.

I collapsed on the floor and let myself cry again, becoming even more vulnerable every time he talks to me.

I heard the door open and I looked away as soon as I saw him.

"Get out, Harry," I sobbed, bringing my knees to my chest.

"No Ella I-"

"Get out!" I raised my voice at him, "I don't want you here," I mumbled, through my heart really wants him to scoop me up and tell me everything was okay.

"I-I'm sorry," he said, his voice becoming week and shaky and he left, not returning for the rest of the night.






Literally the shortest chapter ever. :/

I'm sorryyy. So maybe a double update?

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