Chapter Seventy-Four.

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Chapter 74.

not edited (povs are switched multiple times sorry)

song for this chapter: like im gonna lose you // meghan trainor & john legend 

Ella's POV

"Harry, I really have to go," I giggled into his chest, as he gripped onto my waist even tighter. He pressed a kiss to my jawline, letting out a chuckle as I squirmed in his grip.

"But, baby," he pouted, giving me the puppy dog eyes and pushing his bottom lip out.

"I'll be back soon, goof," I ruffled my fingers in his hair before standing up from the bed and out of his grip, quickly getting ready and throwing my messy hair in a bun as I walked out the door.

 I drove Harry's car to Louis', the door opening before the car was in park, Louis standing in the doorway. I quickly pulled my seat belt off and ran into his arms, listening to his apologies in my ear. 

"I never apologized for what happened the other night at the dance, I was going to when we were going to the movies..." he trailed off, a topic I knew was going to be brought up at one point. 

"Yeah, I'm so sorry about that," I remarked, and he shrugged it off, "So, Harry?" 

Just the mention of his name gave me butterflies once again, but I forced myself to push away the smile threatening to creep on my face, not wanting to upset Louis , or hurt him even more than I have. 

"Yeah, about that...."


Harry's POV

I paced around our  bedroom floor, the small velvet box being tossed around my shaky hands, letting out a breath that I hadn't realized I was holding in. Was I actually going to do this?

I knew this is what I wanted. We had always talked about forever, and I almost let her slip through my fingers. It wasn't going to happen this time. I had been carrying this box around since I decided to come back to her, since I decided it was worth it. 

What if she said no?

No, she wouldn't do that. Our love wasn't just something you could reject, it was real, and it was forever. I was sure of that. 

I let out a shaky breath, and pulled on my boots, sticking the box back in my pocket and leaving the house for a few brief moments, making sure to lock the door behind me. 

I practically ran to Ella's brother's house, praying they were finally back from their honeymoon that Ella had mentioned. To my luck, their car was in the driveway. I hastened to the front door, knocking slowly before shoving my hands in my pockets out of nerves. 

Melissa was the one who came to the door, seeming extremely taken back by me. 

"Harry-I-what?" She couldn't muster up any words, and I nodded in a greeting. 

"I'm back." I murmured, "I'm back for good."

"Come in," she said, opening the door up to me, and I noticed Aiden sitting on the couch, Melissa closing the door before going and sitting beside him, cuddling into his side and kissing his shoulder, something Ella had done to me so many times in the past, something I hoped would be in our future for the rest of our lives. 

"Styles, you're back," Aiden murmured in a low tone, obviously not pleased at my presence. 

"I-I know, I broke your sister's heart. But you have to understand, I was just trying to protect her from some shit my past caused. Please don't hold this against me, I'm in love with her.." I got straight to the point, hoping he wouldn't hold this above my head forever, no matter how much I deserved it. 

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