Chapter Two.

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Ella's POV

The next morning, I got ready for school, showering and straightening my hair as usual. I put on skin tight jeans, with a grey shirt with and open back, and my usual Converse.

I did the usual, waiting for Carter at home and talking to Aiden, then Carter picking me up and going to school.


In Gym, Me and Carter went and sat beside the bleachers where we usually do, so Carter could show me things for when he auditioned for Musicals and Plays. This time he was singing me a song, he had a beautiful voice, one that wasn't as deep as other guys, but it was beautiful.

He started singing the song 'Defying Gravity', his favorite song for a musical this weekend, that I would definitely be attending and supporting him like he supports me.

He was going in to the chorus, until Harry and Zayn came up to us, since they were the only ones of the 'crew' in this class, and started insulting Carter.

"You shouldn't even be at this school. Nobody even likes you." Harry snickered, making Zayn laugh. They just kept insulting him, making me angrier by the minute.

"Can you please just go away?" I asked, nicely, trying to stay calm and polite.

"Why should we?" Zayn barked.

"Because you're being rude and we haven't done anything to you for you to be harsh to us. Carter is who he is, and you shouldn't be judging him." I stated, standing up.

"Fine. We'll go away on one condition." Harry smirked.

"What?" I said with annoyance clear in my voice, crossing my arms.

"You," Zayn said, coming closer to me. "Have to kiss Harry." You could probably see the disgust clearly on my face, as I scoffed and gagged,keeping my eyes on both of them.

"Never in a million years." I snapped.

Harry started coming closer to me, and I rolled my eyes, walking to Carter, completely ignoring Harry.

"You know what? Who said I would want to kiss you? I don't even know why you're even bothering us. Just leave us alone and go on with your lives." I said with an attitude. "Come on, Carter. Let's go." I said, helping him up, seeing the pained expression on his face. It isn't easy for Carter to take insults, especially when it's about his sexuality.

"Bitch. Wouldn't kiss you anyways." Harry muttered under his breath as we walked past. Yeah, maybe I don't take insults well either, but I don't let anyone see it because I really don't care. I rolled my eyes and walked away with Carter, taking him to the girl's locker room to talk to him.

"I don't thing I'm supposed to be in here." Carter said. I chuckled and rolled my eyes, bumping my hip with his before sitting down with him on the bench.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, grabbing his hand in comfort.

"Yeah. Thanks for standing up for me." He answered.

"I'll always stand up for you, Carter. We're best friends and nothing can change that. I'm always here for you." I replied. He nodded slowly, and I gave him a small smile, kissing his cheek and pulling him back out into the gym. We ignored Harry and Zayn the entire time, they kept looking our way and every time I would just glare at them, rolling my eyes and turning back to Carter.


When me and Carter got home, Aiden was sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Hello...Aiden?" I said, confused as to why he's home right now.

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