Chapter Forty-Eight.

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Chapter 48.

Harry's POV

"Come on Harry, you've already done the blindfolded thing." She groaned as I led her, my hands covering her eyes, my arms around her neck as I stood behind her.

I chuckled and she held onto my arms, trying so hard to move my hands away but I was way stronger than her and they didn't budge.

"Harry, please," she whined and I leaned down close to her ear.

"I'd love to hear you whine like that more baby," I seductively whispered and she gasped.

"Harry!" I could feel her cheeks heat up and I laughed, though I wasn't joking. But this time I was going to wait. I wasn't going to pressure her and I would make her first time special.

"What? You know it's true," I admitted and she chuckled but I knew she was probably rolling her eyes under my hands.

I stopped her as we reached our destination, but kept my hands on her eyes. I looked around to make sure everything was how it was when I left it and then kissed right below her ear.

"I love you," I whispered before slowly removing my hands.

"Whoa," her mouth hung open as she spun around, looking at the surroundings.

She caught me off guard when she tackled me, sending us both to the ground. We both laughed, then I pushed the hair out of her face before our lips collided in a kiss.

She giggled but didn't try to get off of me, my hands gripping her hips.

"I love you so much," she said and I smiled a goofy smile, her fingers coming up and poking the dents in my cheeks.

"I love you more baby," I said and she nuzzled her face into my neck.

She finally stood up after minutes of just laying there in silence, and I got up right after her, leading her to the end of the pier.

"I wanted to bring you here at night, it's much more ecstatic, but I couldn't wait." I told her.

"Then we'll stay all night," she responded with a grin.


As the night fell, we laid on our backs, watching the stars as the moon shone over us.

I turned to look at her, watching as she gazed at the sky above us.

"It's really beautiful, isn't it?" She said amazed, and I smiled, but kept my eyes on her.

"Yeah, it is," I uttered.

"Harry?" She said my name, before sitting up on the pier and sticking her bare feet in the water, lightly kicking her legs, her jeans rolled up.

"Yes?" I waited for her to speak again.

"Why me?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why choose me over all those other-" I cut her off with a short kiss, and when I pulled away, she was looking at me.

"You were never a choice to me. I planned to be alone for the rest of my life, and I didn't give a fuck, but after you, I was intrigued. The fact that you were the only girl not throwing yourself at me was part of what drew me to you." I said honestly. She smiled, leaning into me and my arms went around her as I felt her shivering in the January air.

"I love you," I said for the 9350th time since I had gotten her back.

Her phone rang from her back pocket and I pulled it out, smirking as I grabbed her bum while doing so. She giggled as I handed it to her, trying to ignore the fact that it was Louis' name on the screen.

"Just answer it, it's fine," I said and she nodded, pressing the answer button and putting the phone to her ear, and I listened, though I only heard her part of the conversation.

"Hey Louis."

"I'm actually not home."

"Oh you are?"

"I totally forgot, I'm so sorry."

"Yeah you can just wait in my room or do whatever. I'll be home soon."

"Mhm bye Louis."

She put her phone down and leaned back into my torso, my arms going around her once again.

"I forgot about studying for a big test that's this week today. He's been waiting for me." She explained without me asking and even though I was bothered, I wasn't going to show it.

"So should we head home?" I asked her even though I silently prayed she would say no.

"Um," she thought about it, "No. I love Louis but he can wait. He's patient." She looked up and smiled at me and I kissed her lips briefly.

"Are you still spending the night?" I asked her and she nodded.

"If that okay with you.." She trailed off.

"That sounds perfect. But I'll drop you off at home so you can study with Louis and then I'll pick you back up when you guys are done." I said and she nodded.

"You could always join us." She offered but I shook my head.

"I think that you should tell Louis that we're back together before I join you guys for a studying session babe." I said to her and she agreed. After a few more minutes, we left and I took the long way to her house, before getting out and opening the car door for her and kissing her goodbye, then driving off and waiting as patiently as I possibly could for her to call me to pick her up.


Shorty chapter. #SorryNotSorry :p

Jkjk Idek.

I'm at the beach.

instagram: serenityxky

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