Chapter Sixty-Three.

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{ this gif is from the vampire diaries aka my new obsession if you dont watch it then bye and if you do and you dont ship delena you suck -pun intended- kay kay love you }

short chapter srry

Chapter 63.

Ella's POV

After practically attacking Louis in front of the entire school, not wanting to let go of the only person keeping me on my feet right now, the end of the school day has come and I told Louis I'd meet him at the house, insisting he let me take a walk alone.

I took a walk on the road I had onced lived on with the brother whom I thought used to love me, passing Harry's house in the process, rushing past it and not letting me think of any memories that happened on th front porch or the sidewalk in front of the small house.

As I approached my house, I saw Melissa and Aiden outside on the porch, soft music playing in the background as they slowdanced in the cold weather, too much into eachother to notice me gazing at them.  Watching them reminded me of him, not because of what they were doing, but because they were so into eachother that nothing around them mattered, the only thing they cared about was eachother, and you could see that as they slowly moved across the wooden porch, their foreheads touching one anothers. 

I smiled at the fact that my brother was finally happy, even though just two months ago I was hating him for turning into the monster he used to be, for kicking me out. I was just done fighting him. It took so much in me to despise my own flesh and blood, and even though he hated me, I told myself it was pointless to have that feeling mutual. 

Melissa was a good person, and she had brought him out of the dark, so there was no reason to hate such a man that only hated me for various reasons. 

I realized tears were falling down my cheeks, and for so many reasons. Him, the love we shared, but also seeing my brother again whom I knew wouldn't be in my life anymore. 

"Ella?" Melissa's voice spoke from the distance we were apart and I quickly pulled myself from my thoughts to acknowledge her. Aiden said nothing as they stopped their swaying, Melissa looking at me, probably wondering why I was here, and why he wasn't at my side. 

"Oh. Um..sorry. I just, I needed a few more things from my old room," I lied in a murmur, and Melissa smiled and approached me, leaving my brother on the porch waiting for her. 

When she finally got close enough to me, she gasped, taking my face in her hands and analyzing it. 

"Your eyes. You're so sad. Ella?" 

I ignored her statement. "Can I go in and get what I needed?" I asked, turning my gaze from her. 

"Yeah," she stammered. "Go right ahead." 

I nodded and walked past her, slowly approaching Aiden. I squeezed my eyes shut as I passed him, praying he wouldn't stop me from entering what used to be my old house. 

But he never touched me. 

I quickly made my way to my old room to see it untouched since I had left it. I wondered what else I could take from the pretty much empty room, and quickly went to my closet, pulling out the jacket of his that Anne had given me. 

Even though I was already wearing a jacket, I pushed my arms through the jacket and pulled it around me, hugging myself as I looked for something else to take. I looked out the window to see raindrops had started to fall, so I quickly grabbed the picture frame he had gotten me for my birthday, with our picture in it, that I had forgotten to bring when I moved out in such a hurry.

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